How to know if the recipient opens your email

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October 12, 2010

email oracle logo Has it happened to you that you send someone an email and wait for days on end and still get no reply? At such times, you probably wonder if the recipient opened your email. Knowing if the recipient has opened your email would be of great use. Email Oracle can be the perfect tool if you want to track email opens. This utility lets you track email replies and email responds very easily and quickly via a simple interface.

Email Oracle as of now is available for Gmail only as Gmail provides lots of customization options. It is downloadable as a Firefox addon. After you install it, you’ll need to authenticate it for integration with your Google Account. When this is done, you’ll find a “Tracked Emails” link on your Gmail navigation. You’ll also see an Email Oracle Dropdown towards the top of Gmail’s interface.

With Email Oracle, you can track email opens and also track email replies. The tracking option doesn’t apply to all emails by default. You’ll see options for tracking opens and set reminders for replies to your email. Check these options and send your email. Now if the recipient opens the email, you’ll learn of it via the “Track Emails” link on the navigation.

When you enable tracking Email opens for a certain email, Email Oracle inserts a special image(with Email Oracle’s logo on it) into the body of your email. When the recipient opens your email, the image attached to the email should be downloaded from Email Oracle’s server. From this action, Email Oracle tracks the open rates of your email. But, if your recipient refuses to view any picture or attachment in your email, there’s no way of knowing if he/she read the email. The default image looks like this.

email oracle image

If you enable tracking responses to your email, you’ll receive email reminders if you don’t get responses within a certain time. You’ll need to specify the due date while composing the email.

Email Oracle’s neat little interface is wrapped within Gmail. You can view the total number of emails queued for tracking, total number of email opens and Response status of an email. You can also modify settings for Email Oracle from Settings at the top.

email oracle interface For free users, Email oracle provides 20 tracking tickets. But if you refer to your friends, you can get more. You can also opt out of it anytime. Premium users can enjoy unlimited tracking and custom image or an invisible 1×1 pixel image to be used for tracking. Email Oracle tracks opens and tracks responses to an email very efficiently. Its definitely worth a try.

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