Tagged: directory

Add an image search option in Firefox Search box

If you search for images as much as you search for anything on the web, you might have wished for a shortcut like having an image search option from the search box of your browser directly. You generally open up Google Image Search or Yahoo Image Search to look for images. But having an image search option directly in the search box would be much convenient and time-saving.

How I moved from my old domain to this one

After being on my old domain http://www.bishaladhikary.com.np for a couple of months, I finally decided to move to this one. Actually my friend Ghtozkat suggested me that as the domain was a country domain of Nepal, the traffic would be targeted to Nepal by default. So, he suggested me to move to a new domain .com, .net or .org and so I moved my Wordpres blog to this domain. Well I had to go through a lot of processes to get all my previous posts on this domain and then finally redirect my old domain to this.

Useful Run Commands

Run commands help you launch applications very easily without having to click several times in a row.