Tagged: profiles

Clear chat history option is back on Facebook

Facebook had removed the “Clear chat history” option which was a bit odd as there was no point in removing it. Many users had protested the removal with a point that it was violating user privacy. Facebook has responded to their protests and has conceded that the “Clear Chat history” option shouldn’t be removed.

Facebook’s New Groups and Profile Backup plus better Privacy options

The chat box on Facebook had recently started showing thumbnails instead of names. As evident from the new features rollout today, the changes in chat box was a beacon for the New group chat feature, an added treat to the New Facebook Groups. Other options like Advanced Privacy settings and downloading all your data uploaded to Facebook have been added.

The New Twitter now open for everyone

Today Twitter has announced a New revamped Twitter that they had been calling the New Twitter. Although many users had already experienced it some while ago, the rest hadn’t got a chance to see what it looked like. The New re-engineered Twitter has a lot of features and you’ll love it for sure.

The first tweets of Top 10 Twitterers with highest number of followers

The top Twitter users have over 5 million followers and they are mostly the top known celebrities in the Entertainment industry. Lets see what they tweeted when they first joined twitter. Here’s a list of the First Tweets by the Top Twitter users with the highest number of followers.

Google Profiles added some features

Google Profiles has added a new feature called contact info where you can add details for your friends to see it. Actually the information that you add is not totally public and you can control the people who see it.