100 Million iPads Sold!

Celebrate Another Apple Milestone

In the Apple event, heralding the birth of the new iPad Mini, a 13-inch MacBook Pro, and a smaller iMac, Tim Cook announced another milestone that is sure to spark an ecstatic reaction from Apple lovers, specifically the iPad aficionados. Apple has recently reached a wonderful feat: It has successfully sold 100 million iPads in two years, since the entrance of the iPad in 2010. What’s more? He gladly presented that Apple iPad owns over 91% of the over-all web traffic coming from tablet computers.

Tim Cook wonderfully bragged how tech consumers love the iPads, especially the rich ecosystem of applications that it can foster. As a matter of fact, this is parallel to what Steve Jobs had thought about the future of iPads. Since its birth, the demand for iPads has been much stronger than those of laptops and desktop computers. Two weeks ago, iPad sales were at 84 million. After including some of the most recent data plus the possible numbers the iPad Mini can contribute to the statistics, it is not surprising that another milestone will be easily reached in a few weeks’ or months’ time.

If truth be told, this is not the first success that Apple is rejoicing over. Below is the list of the company’s success lap full of metrics and milestones:

  • Since the release of the new breed of iPods, Apple has already sold 3 million of them.
  • Since the iOS6 upgrade in mid-September, 200 million iDevicesfollowed suit and have upgraded to this new software update.
  • To date, iCloudstores 125 million documents and media files.
  • For every second, about 28,000 iMessagesare sent.
  • At present, there are 160 million Game Center accounts.
  • 35 billion apps have been downloaded from the iTunes store.
  • There are now 700,000 iOSapps available in the App Store; 275,000 of which exclusively runon iPads.
  • Via iPhotoPhoto Streams, over 70 million photos have now been shared.
  • There are presently 1.5 million e-books available for download in the iTunes Book Store.
  • Since the store’s debut, 400 million books have been downloaded.
  • 94% of the Fortune 500 is testingor deploying the iPad.

With this short list of Apple’s achievements, we can expect that it will grow longer with bigger feats to boast of. What the heck? It’s Apple, for Pete’s sake! Greatness is something already attached to its name.

But what is the point of all this?

If you believe you are not one with Apple in its success, you ought to be ashamed of yourself. Just kidding!

What we mean is that if you want to be the ultimate Apple fan, you have to do everything in your power to own those gadgets and be part of the Apple family. This way, you will not feel alienated by the rapid and cool developments that Apple releases.

Or just sell your cell phone at Cash for Smartphones! You will get great cash in a matter of days!

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