4 Tips for Boosting Your Website Usability
Whether your goal is to improve brand awareness or maximize sales, you should know that your website is the key to all your digital marketing efforts. You should, therefore, ensure that it is in its best shape before putting it up, and one of the things that you should pay close attention to during web design is usability. Unfortunately, this is one of the most overlooked aspects, but that is only because marketers and business owners fail to realize just how much website usability impacts the site visitors. Your visitors or potential buyers should always be your top priority, and you should have their needs in mind when designing the site. A website with excellent usability will not only attract traffic, but also, they are likely to spend more time on your site, which is good for your SEO. This will also increase the rate of conversions.
How do you boost your site’s usability? Here are a few guiding tips for you.
Work on the site’s readability
One of the things that visitors will focus on is the readability of the website. Nobody wants to spend a lot of time trying to understand the content. If there are readability issues, the visitors are likely to get bored and opt to move to the next site, meaning that you will end up losing potential customers. One of the keys to boosting the readability is by using whitespace. This makes the content more legible and also allows the readers to focus on the content and other elements surrounding it. The next tip is to use subheadings and paragraphs for different sections. You may also use bullets and other design elements such as banners and sideways, but make sure that they are not too distracting.
Focus on the speed on the site
The other key aspect that will determine how long visitors stay on your website is the speed. The goal of online shopping is to save time and enjoy conveniences, and that is precisely what you should offer the visitors. You should not make them wait for minutes before the site loads so they can view the products and make their orders. This is such a turnoff, and again, you will lose most of them to your competitors.
You can maximize the speed go your site by reducing plugins, investing in a dedicated server and reducing the number of images used to display texts, to mention a few tips
Make the site easy to navigate
Again, you do not want to waste the visitors’ time as they try to navigate through the site. We are in the digital era, and most individuals now use their phones to shop. Make the website easy to use and navigate on mobile devices by selecting a suitable layout. Try and do away with the horizontal scrolling as it can be tedious for mobile users.
Keep the pages consistent
By this, you should make all the elements pages match all from the font, heading sizes, spacing, colors, and button style. You should have a theme in mind and then incorporate it in all pages.
Having a user-friendly website is the secret to increased traffic and conversion rate. Follow these tips to boost your website usability and watch just how much it will help in taking your business to the next level.