5 Reasons why the Amazon Kindle Makes a Better World

Having recently gotten into Amazon’s e-reader craze by purchasing the third and latest iteration of the Kindle device, I have become an absolute adept. In fact, I believe this little device will certainly make the world a better place, for reasons that will be detailed in this article.

Make no mistake: this isn’t (yet) a perfect device; there are still a number of design flaws going on, which will surely be brushed up one at a time in subsequent revisions. All the while, the Kindle 3 is undeniably a successful blueprint for the book of the future. And that’s indeed a good thing!

Let’s go over the specifics of why it will indeed make the world a better place:

1) Reading will be brought back to the masses!
Books on the Kindle are substantially inexpensive compared to printed versions, and they will likely get even less expensive in time – as digital book distribution grows in popularity. Since e-books can be replicated at zero cost, it means that millions of books will be available free! In fact, every book that was written more than 70 years ago and thus entered public domain is already available free of charge at the Kindle store. How is that for a literary revolution?

2) Dissemination of knowledge will increase!
There are already libraries in which (virtual) lending of e-books is a reality. In the future, you’ll likely be allowed to lend the books you’ve purchased as well (currently it’s not possible, mostly due to marketplace restrictions). Since public domain books are freely available… it goes without saying that dissemination of knowledge will be immensely facilitated. Additionally, this handy device can easily display PDF and DOC files, which means you can share your own writing, reports, reflections, school notes at the click of a button… by wireless means, even. It just couldn’t be simpler than that.

3) Back strain will be averted!
As much as books are wonderful and nostalgia inducing objects, they’re bound to become obsolete. They are certainly loveable, but they are not practical at all. Don’t believe me? Try carrying around a half dozen books with you everywhere you go, and you’ll easily realize the point. Now, get your hands on the Kindle and you will be able to carry more than three thousand books anywhere you go, in your purse… even in your pocket if you wear baggy pants! And the device weights as much as a single paperback of yesteryear. Your back will be much obliged when you go Kindle.

4) People will spend more time outdoors!
One of the coolest features about the book of the future is how it was designed to mimic the look and feel of regular paper. Many people who have never seen a Kindle up close assume it’s a tiny computer screen, but it’s nothing to do with that. There’s no back-light in it, and it works better in broad daylight! The letters are actually clearer if you’re standing under direct sunlight. They say technology is keeping the average person from spending more time outdoors… well, this technology sure isn’t!

5) Millions of trees will be saved!
The major opposition to the electronic book is mostly about nostalgia. Most adults are so accustomed to traditional books, they have trouble embracing the e-book reader as a real substitute. Well, it’s a matter of time until that notion becomes as obsolete as conventional books. It won’t be long until these devices genuinely look less like a slate, and more like an actual book with several pages that you can leaf through and repopulate at the click of a button. When this day comes, millions of trees will have already been saved, and no further tree slaughter will be required to keep our reading habits attended to!

What do you think? Is this a solid and agreeable argument? Whether you’re passionate about the e-book or spiteful of it, make sure to express your opinion via the comments box down below. We look forward to read your thoughts on this subject matter.

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