A browser resizer that works from your browser

Web designers frequently need to test their designs in various browser sizes. The web developer toolbar addon for Firefox is a very popular browser addon for Firefox and it easily lets them resize the browser window with a few clicks. On web developer toolbar, you can enter custom width and height to alter the browser window’s size. But browser window can also be resized without using any addon; browize can resize your window from within your browser.

Browize is an in browser window resizer with which you can resize your browser window to a wide range of dimensions. Browize is basically a very simple tool; it lets you choose dimensions for the browser or lets you enter custom dimensions as well. You can choose one from the standard dimensions like 480×320, 640×480, 800×600, 1024×768, 1280×1024, 1600×1200, 1920×1200 or set a custom dimension for your browser window.

Browize can be very handy for designers who need to test their designs in various windows sizes.

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