A Guide to Free Electronics & Gadget Giveaways Online
Believe it or not there are plenty of ways to get free electronics all over the internet. There are also several ways to tell the real offers from the fake and scam offers. Some of the most valuable tools are social networking sites like Google Plus, YouTube, Twitter and Facebook as they can help you tell with a little inspection. Knowing what offers are legitimate takes a little bit of research and a lot of common sense, but there is no reason the average savvy internet user cannot walk away with an iPad, iPhone or laptop after all is said and done.Companies give these free gadgets away as part of market research. Instead of randomly selecting people from a phone book or an internet directory, companies let people come to them by offering hot electronics giveaways. The research is done when and if people start having problems with any device or when they are raving about great devices. The targeted audience is more or less evenly distributed among different demographics and that way the companies really take advantage of the savvy internet user’s opinions. There is however a catch. It doesn’t involve users paying for anything as expensive as the devices may be, but it may involve becoming enrolled in a couple offers leading to acquiring the device, filling out a survey or posting about the offer via twitter or facebook.
How Electronic Giveaway Offers Work
The first type is the “You’ve won!” type offers. These offers are often legit but most pass them off as spam. Here’s how they work.. If a user wants to get the newest and best laptop computer on the market, they might have to subscribe to an internet magazine which will cost them 10 dollars a month, but will first offer them a free month to try. They might also have to partake in a video rental service for a month. However, once these two sites have registered the fact the user has signed up for them, they automatically notify the main company offering the laptop and that company releases the device to the user. The shipping usually takes about a month to occur and in that time the user has to be careful not to get charged by the other services (unless the offers made are things the user is interested in). Canceling the offers at about day 25 or 29 will ensure no charges are made and the user will receive the laptop in a timely fashion (about two months).
The second type of gadget giveaway you’ll occasionally come across is often seen on blogs or new start-up company sites and to a further extent, on their respective facebook and twitter profiles. It will involve tweeting, following, liking, sharing, subscribing and maybe even filling out a questionnaire in-order to enter. These are quick and easy to enter but you getting that free iPad isn’t guaranteed like in the previous method.
Determining if a Giveaway is Fake
It is surprisingly easy to tell a scam from the real deal. Scams are laden with misspellings, typos and improper language usage. It seems base, but it’s absolutely true. If there is no proofreader, do not put your name on the line. Spam mails sent are 99% scams, don’t bother. There are programs which can infiltrate and take over Facebook profiles momentarily and post automatically on chat or on the walls of users. These posts will be small and out of the ordinary for your friends, unless your friend is involved in some internet marketing of their own. Another big determiner of scams is how often the website is updated. If it has not been updated since the 90s it is probably a scam.
When coming across giveaways on social networking sites, be sure to check the account that is promoting the offer, do they tweet or post spam? Do they only post once a month? Is their profile generic with no personality? These are the tells of a fake account.
It is advisable to create a spam email address to use when trying to acquire free electronics. These are free gadgets, but part of the deal usually means the company is going to sell the information they receive from users. It is not advisable to use a main email address and especially not a work email address for these offers as they will soon be flooded with spam mails not all of which are legitimate offers of electronic giveaways.
How to Find Free Electronic and Gadget Giveaways
Google is your friend and your worst enemy when it comes to searching for giveaways. Results are often hit and miss when it comes to finding legit offers. For example, searching for “Free iPhone 4S” may result in a legit giveaway towards the bottom of the first page while spam and shady sites reside at the top. A good tip is to use the sidebar to refine your search so that only results that are no more than a week old show.
Take a minute or two each day to scan social networking sites for giveaways, especially twitter. Companies love to use twitter to help promote their giveaways, ideally hoping for a “viral effect” to take place. Again, remember to watch for fakes, as mentioned above.
Free Gadget Giveaways are real and obtainable!
These offers don’t just come around once in a blue moon, there are literally thousands of giveaways, contests and sweepstakes taking place right this minute. Only the ones who actively participate are winning and it’s time you took your piece of the pie. Anything from iPads to microwave ovens are up for grabs, it’s up to you to get out there and find them.
Remember, use social networking sites like twitter, facebook and youtube to help easily find current giveaways that haven’t ended yet. Take your time, check out the giveaway before jumping the gun, only to find out that the offer probably wasn’t legit. Stay focused and determined, make it a daily occurrence for you to spend a few minutes or even an hour each day to find and enter giveaways. You’ll quickly find, it’s not that hard to get something for free after all.