An average font made of all typefaces on a computer

There are thousands upon thousands of fonts and everyday, a multitude of new fonts are born. There are times when you like a letter of a certain typeface and another letter from some other typeface and then wish for a typeface with the best of the both worlds. But have you ever imagined what an average font would look like? By average, I mean what would a font look with all the typefaces installed in your computer combined together? Moritz Resl has done an experiment by creating a set of alphabets by combining all the fonts installed in his system.
What Moritz actually did is he drew all the characters from a to z by combining all the 900 fonts installed in his computer with a low opacity. He says that he included all of the fonts, i.e. without ignoring the fonts that were ugly. He then obtained a set of all characters that look fuzzy around the edges.
average font
The result is amazing. We can see that the characters resemble the times new roman font. But this can differ based on the types of fonts installed in the system.

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