Category: Apps

Yahoo! Axis – New Generation Plugin/iOS Application for Web Search

Yahoo! Axis – New Generation Plugin/iOS Application for Web Search

Just when we thought Yahoo! was way behind other browser giants like Google and Mozilla, it released Axis,an innovative iOSapplication and plugin for iPad, iPhone, and desktop computers.This new plugincame as a wonderful surprise to most users and has received mostly positive reviews from software analysts since its release. Yahoo! Axis promises a better, smarter, more visual experience when surfing the web.

10 Free Apps for Beginners of Nokia Lumia Windows Phone

10 Free Apps for Beginners of Nokia Lumia Windows Phone

If you happen to be someone new to the Windows Phone gadget and are not much aware of Nokia Lumia 800 or Lumia 710, then I’d like to inform you about the integration of ‘Windows capabilities along with the power plus experiences users will get to have with Nokia’ is something totally new and it includes all the vital elements of an incredible Smartphone. Considering the solid and impressive outlook, superior performance along with a powerful and robust OS of Windows makes this Nokia gadget more of a power house. In this post I am listing down the 10 free applications for Nokia Lumia Windows phone which you are going to enjoy on your device a lot.

3 awesome productivity apps

3 awesome productivity apps

Being productive is something that comes along fairly easy these days, but staying productive…well, that is a whole different subject altogether. We live in a busy bee world, but we also live in a world that is constantly occupied by distractions. With the entire internet being available to us, at our beck and call, at all times, it is tough to stay focused on tasks, and it is even tougher to remember every little thing we have to do in one day. But, because the world is more connected than ever before, we can also use those very same distracting computers for good- such as helping us remember everything we have to do in one day and to help us become more productive no matter where we may be at any given time.

Top Fitness Apps For iPhone

Top Fitness Apps For iPhone

Who needs the gym? with the right apps you can be your own personal trainer. In this article we will take a look at some of the best fitness apps for iPhone.

The New iPad vs. iPad 2

The New iPad vs. iPad 2

Apple’s new iPad has a better screen, camera and processor. Is it worth £399, or should you buy the older iPad 2, which has now dropped in price? While smartphones can now be found in almost everyone’s pocket, and PCs are a fixture in most homes, it’s easy to think of Apple’s iPad as an unnecessary step between the two. But ask the gadget lovers who already own one, and you won’t find many who would be prepared to give it up.

Top 6 iPhone and Android Apps for Weight Loss

Top 6 iPhone and Android Apps for Weight Loss

Smartphones not only help you organize your tasks, there are many apps for your smartphone these days that help you lose your weight. Here’s the list of top 6 iPhone and android apps for weight loss.

Don’t Even Think About Traveling Abroad Without a Cell Phone

Don’t Even Think About Traveling Abroad Without a Cell Phone

Cell phones serve a lot of functions in our modern world. They can help you get out of danger, they can help you find where you’re going, and they can even help you pass the time when there’s little to see and not much more to do. In a foreign country, all of these functions can be particularly helpful to you. If you get into a bad situation in a foreign country, your cell phone might even save your life.

6 Best Android Apps for Health and Fitness

6 Best Android Apps for Health and Fitness

Gone is the spring and summer is moving towards its peak — it is time to have outside and be in shape. It is right that your iPhone has lots of apps for tracking the calories and kilometers to be in shape. However, there are plenty of health related apps in the market of Android, too.

My Medical – Comprehensive Medical Record Keeper by iPhone

My Medical – Comprehensive Medical Record Keeper by iPhone

Keeping a copy of your medical records can prove to be valuable, but keeping so many pieces of paper in a file cabinet or piled in a drawer can make them difficult to deal with. Finding what you need when you need it can also be troublesome and in the computer age, there’s no reason you can’t keep your records on your home computer. The issue comes in when you have a medical emergency or are not at home. In either event, you have access to your records, but maybe just not when you need them.

Facebook buys Instagram! Do you know why?

Facebook buys Instagram! Do you know why?

Facebook has added yet another feather to its cap and this time it’s the Instagram app. It is a free app initially developed for iPhone users to share photos and videos. It has about 17 filters and colour balance to allow users make changes before it is uploaded. It’s quite amazing that Instagram has grown from zero to a drastic $1 billion in just 18 months of time with just about 13 employees in its credit.

3 Geeky But Wacky Apps for The iPhone

3 Geeky But Wacky Apps for The iPhone

It doesn’t matter whether you’re a female or male geek, what matters is that you both love clever things. You appreciate the fiendishly smart things in life and can spot a Star Wars convention from a hundred miles away. We kid, but we know you can.

Top 10 Windows Phone apps

Top 10 Windows Phone apps

Microsoft tried to break in to the smartphone market with Windows Phone when Android and iPhone were sitting on top and all the other smartphone platforms were dropping around them like flies. Even with positive reviews Windows Phone was having a hard time getting the attention of smartphone users. Here are some of the best and most popular apps for Windows Phone.

Google Play Store

Google Play Store

Why have Google changed the name of their Android Market? This is the question many of us dedicated Android fans have been asking since its implementation. Once the Android Market now Google Play Store what do you make of the shift?

Top 10 iPhone Apps for Family Road Trips

Top 10 iPhone Apps for Family Road Trips

When we head off on those long road trips (whether we’re visiting Grandma, or off on an overseas adventure) the one thing you should remember is to find something to keep everyone entertained for the journey. Here are some of the best iphone apps for a road trip.

Improve Your Fitness By Running From Zombies

Improve Your Fitness By Running From Zombies

Zombies have always been an internet craze but have gotten so popular that they have been involved in everything from books to movies to games. Although there is one area that they really haven’t penetrated yet. Fitness. Well now there is a new app that looks to combine the generally daunting and unpleasant world of exercise and weight loss with the blood pumping world of zombies.

Best Android Apps a Beginner Can Have to Maximize the Fun and Entertainment

Best Android Apps a Beginner Can Have to Maximize the Fun and Entertainment

Never ending excitement begins when someone acquires a tiny box of fresh Android, this excitement further increases when that power button is pressed, but every excitement ends immediately when startup screen looks so weird with complicated and non-understandable options, because these complex options are not easy to be handled. Android has a lot of apps that provide unlimited fun and entertainment. Here are some of the best Android apps for your entertainment.

Top 5 Free Online Radio Apps for Your Smartphone

Top 5 Free Online Radio Apps for Your Smartphone

Smartphones offer the best of many worlds, including serving as portable radio stations and juke boxes. Here’s a look at the top radio apps available for a wide range of smartphones.