Tech Tips for Managing Money
If you need help in managing your money or credit cards, there are many different avenues that you can take. If you like technology, you can use your iPhone or other smart phone device to help you manage money.
A blog on Tech Tips, Online Tools and Software, Blogging, Mobile World, Tech News and Social Media
If you need help in managing your money or credit cards, there are many different avenues that you can take. If you like technology, you can use your iPhone or other smart phone device to help you manage money.
Android parental control is the solution to all the problems that parents who work extra hours face regarding monitoring the activities of their teens. It is known for a fact that teens that spend more time watching the television and playing video games have the tendency to develop health problems later in life.
With the growing thirst for the media consumption via mobiles has lead to a remarkable increase in the demand for the software developers and engineers in the job section. These are the people who...
Windows Phone 7 is increasingly gaining market share. Although WIndows Phone boasts of a lot of cool features, there are still rooms for improvements. For instance, If you want to look for a song in your zune library, you will have to manually browser by artist, album or song as there is no search functionality built in. If you are a windows phone user are looking for an easy way to search songs on your phone, here’s an easy way to do it.
Mobile phones hardly have any identity without ringtones. And that is why having a custom ringtone is really important. Depending on what your taste is — you might want to cut out a part from your favorite song or you might want to use a really cool sound. Whatever you want as your own custom ringtone, here are a few ways to make that ringtone for free on your Android phone.
Even the youngest children seem to be able to navigate their way easily on iPads, tablets and smart phones.Let’s examine some of the ways the iPad can make learning fun and easy. It has literally put education right at our children finger tips.
The world of technology is a constantly changing one, of course, and the advent of the mobile phone app has enabled us to perform a number of tasks while on the move. From the practical time-savers to the entertaining time-wasters, we all have a list of our favourite apps, but will the mobile phone ever really be able to replace the in-car satellite navigation system?
There’s nothing better than sitting down with a good cup of coffee and reading about coffee related topics on your phone. Well, Android is helping coffee lovers expand their love for coffee. If looking for instructions on how to make coffee related drinks, to locating the nearest Starbucks, Android are here to help.
Adobe Photoshop Express, Nikon Learn and Explore etc. are some of the best and top photo apps for iPad.
Any one who blogs knows that delivering a constant flow of content for your readers is a difficult, though absolutely necessary endeavor. If you don’t post enough, readers will get bored, and even so much as a week’s worth of silence on your blog can lead to dwindling numbers. Apart from remembering that a day in the real world is a week by online standards, what else can you do to make sure your readers are satisfied?
Developments such as this shouldn’t come as much of a surprise. After all,
the iPhone is a growing platform, while the BlackBerry is shrinking. It
makes sense, in a general way, that a developers would choose iPhone over
BlackBerry if they had to pick one platform for their app. Even so, Google’s
decision to discontinue the Gmail for BlackBerry app, while at the same time
releasing a Gmail app for iOS, seems odd at best. The app is much more
needed on the BlackBerry platform, for two specific reasons.
If you’re a business owner who’s passionate about Fair Trade commerce (a community-oriented cooperative that ensures workers receive ethical compensation for the products they’ve developed), the Fair Trade Finder (free) app is a helpful mobile tool to find out where Fair Trade products are sold and take advantage of networking opportunities made available by a crowd sourced directory.
One of the biggest problems freelance web designers face is the ability to get organized and stay on track. Clients want their mockups and sites finished within a specific time period, and balancing several clients and still keeping your sanity can be a difficult task. Thankfully, this is where your iPhone can come in to save the day, with its many productivity saving apps available. Check out these top ten to get yourself back on track in your work.
by heavenlyandroid · Published September 13, 2011 · Last modified September 23, 2013
Currently there are over 250,000 android apps in Google Market Place, a number that will no doubt have almost doubled by the end of 2011. The Android platform is growing at the speed of light and may even overtake Apple’s ios platform any time soon. But do these facts equate to a unanimous success story?
If you are traveling with your iPad, what are some of the best travel apps to choose from? The following are some recommendations that should make life a little easier while on the road.
As we all know, a green circle next to a friend’s name on the Facebook chat list means that the friend is online. And a grey circle would mean that the friend is away or either busy. But do you have had complaints from friends saying that you don’t reply to them even when you are online 24 hours a day? Sounds strange but for many people, Facebook shows an online status even when the person is offline. Well it could possibly be because you could be using some instant messaging application on your mobile Phone. If you use IM+ application on your Windows Phone for chatting over Facebook and are being shown online all the time, here’s how you fix it.
There are many antivirus websites that offer free online scanning services. But beware, there are similar malware as well, that look like online scanners but instead infiltrate your PC. ESET, the company behind the popular antivirus software ESET has released an online scanner. The best thing about this online scanner by ESET is that it is a Facebook application and you can use it right from Facebook.
LiveProfile is a free smartphone messenger application that works on the iPhone, Blackberry, and Android devices. LiveProfile improves upon the BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) platform by taking Short Message Service (SMS) communications to a higher level thanks to its nifty social networking features. LiveProfile. While text messaging is at the heart of LiveProfile, this cross-platform messenger can do a lot more than just SMS.
Many of you out there may have invested in a single universal remote control and programmed it to control all of your gadgets. But what if you could do away with all of them, even the universal remote, and control all of you gadgets using your phone?
You must have noticed that Facebook shows the medium of any update below it. For example, if you update your status on Facebook using a Windows Phone 7, you will see via “Facebook for Windows Phone” just below it. Same is the case for iPhone or Android devices. You must have heard rumors of iPhone 5’s imminent release around September. But how about fooling your friends with status updates that look as if they have been updated via iPhone 5?