Author: AndreaWalters

Tools and Tactics to drive traffic to your website

Tools and Tactics to drive traffic to your website

Driving traffic to your website is the goal of any social media campaign. Let’s take a look at some of the most widely used tools and tactics to improve both the quality and quantity of visitors to your website.

Top plug-ins to enhance Facebook experience

Top plug-ins to enhance Facebook experience

Plug-ins today not only enhance your experience of a particular software but complete it. Once you start using the right plug-ins, you will wonder how you ever got through never using them at all. Every application has something that you can add to – whether it is browsers like Chrome or Firefox, social media tools like Facebook, Twitter, WordPress, or your own smartphones – Android or iOS. For Facebook however, the most popular social media network, plug-ins can personalize your experience all the more. You can choose from a variety of plug-ins depending on your need, which do everything from reading aloud your Facebook messages to returning a poke automatically, but here are a few which have made the top list, by popular use, and which are used across platforms.