Author: davidwicks

Web Hosting plays an important role in SEO

Web Hosting plays an important role in SEO

As information technology has extended its ways to the people, it has helped to explore and create necessary tools to communicate and integrate information. The accessibility has been a lot easier since people deserve to gather data and information that is worthwhile and timely.

Dedicated Servers: An Ideal Choice for Online Retailers

Dedicated Servers: An Ideal Choice for Online Retailers

Dedicated servers are often thought of as expensive but best hosting alternatives, available only to those who can shell out around $170 per month to keep their site up. But what is the justification for this hefty price tag? Is it really worth all the money that you are spending for your site?

Effective data removal on Mac

Effective data removal on Mac

For many people a notebook or a PC became a real vault for personal data. Just imagine: everything we deal with every day – Internet searches, our interests (which can easily be tracked, though), our videos and photos (including the ones that have not only you, but also your relatives or friends), a lot of additional personal info is stored every day on the hard drives of our computers.Personally I am a Mac user, because this system is known to be more intelligent and secure than Windows is.

4 Awesome Personal Health Websites

4 Awesome Personal Health Websites

The internet offers a wealth of information about every subject imaginable, and this is no different when it comes to information and education about health related issues. People tend to be very curious about their health, and sometimes very paranoid about their health as well. While the internet can be a helpful resource for basic information, it should never be used as a self-diagnostic health tool of some kind. Just because a web site may say that your symptoms are in line with a rare form of cancer, it does not mean you have cancer. Only a professional medical technician can tell you that information with any kind of accuracy. So, always keep in mind that personal health web sites are only meant to inform, not to diagnose any illnesses or cause people fright from the information that they provide.

3 Awesome Social Media Apps

3 Awesome Social Media Apps

Once upon a time, in a not so distant past, social media was looked upon as some sort of novelty, that would fade into obscurity like internet chatrooms, America Online and a million other internet sensations that slowly but surely faded into the memories of the general consciousness. Obviously, unless you have been living under a rock for the last decade, this is no longer the case. Here are some well known and most used social media apps.

5 Most Popular Websites in the US

5 Most Popular Websites in the US

The internet is a strange place sometimes, almost like a popularity contest in so many ways. There are some web sites in particular that are always at the top of the heap in popularity, and then there are some web sites that are still popular, but perhaps a little over the hill, and thus way past their glory days. Then, there are the new kids on the block, the modern web sites that rise in popularity seemingly overnight. Most of these fade away also, but not always. Every once in a while, there is a website that has something new and improved to offer and will then stick around as one of the most popular web sites for years to come.

How to save money on a new computer

How to save money on a new computer

Buying a new computer can be a very costly task, but if done according to a few rules and steps, it does not necessarily have to be. Shopping for a computer, like shopping for anything else, takes some patience, some research, some cash and a whole lot of flexibility on your part- especially is you are constrained by a limited budget.

3 awesome productivity apps

3 awesome productivity apps

Being productive is something that comes along fairly easy these days, but staying productive…well, that is a whole different subject altogether. We live in a busy bee world, but we also live in a world that is constantly occupied by distractions. With the entire internet being available to us, at our beck and call, at all times, it is tough to stay focused on tasks, and it is even tougher to remember every little thing we have to do in one day. But, because the world is more connected than ever before, we can also use those very same distracting computers for good- such as helping us remember everything we have to do in one day and to help us become more productive no matter where we may be at any given time.

5 Ways to Make Facebook More Productive

5 Ways to Make Facebook More Productive

Social media has become the new preferred platform for a company, or a person, to speak and communicate with the greater public. No longer is it necessary to have a public relations expert or media exposure, because social media allows a person or company to do it entirely by themselves. Of course, it does take some effort and expertise to do it properly. These days, Facebook is one of the most popular- if not, the most popular- social media site on the internet. For many, Facebook is a way to waste time and procrastinate, but there are ways to be productive on Facebook, and there are ways to get the most out of it in the process.