Author: jacksmith

How Multiple Monitors Help in Identifying Trading Patterns and Opportunities 0

How Multiple Monitors Help in Identifying Trading Patterns and Opportunities

Having a multi-monitor setup for day trading is required for high frequency day traders. Instead of crowding every open window onto one screen, you can easily map everything out across multiple monitors. It’s like having a properly organized desk of files. When you have multiple screens, you’re able to have an eye on everything at one time.

Checklist for Computer for Trading When You’re Trading for a Living 0

Checklist for Computer for Trading When You’re Trading for a Living

The world of technology is accelerating at a very quick pace, and if you’re not keeping up with it, as a day trader you will be left in the dust. Wall Street and day trading have been intertwined for decades now. It’s to the point where the two rely heavily on the other. If you’re serious about being a successful day trader, then you’re going to need a computer for trading that is a beast. Here’s a checklist of the components you’re going to need to get on the ball: