Author: jamesh

Getting the Most Out of SQL Server

Getting the Most Out of SQL Server

Microsoft SQL Server is a good choice for businesses that need a high performance, stable and flexible database system. There are several different flavours of SQL server, and if you want to make the most out of your investment, you should choose the right version for your company.

Remote Working with VPNs and VoIP

Remote Working with VPNs and VoIP

Remote working is becoming increasingly common. The staff that are allowed to do it love it, because it gives them more freedom and allows them to work in comfort, and companies love it because it saves them office space, and improves morale.

Process Monitoring In Industry

Process Monitoring In Industry

SCADA stands for Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition. SCADA systems are commonly used in high tech industries to gather information about processes and what is happening on a shop floor level.The information gathered from the systems is passed to process monitoring software, which identifies potential issues, faults, and productivity problems.