Author: jesswagner

Colocation or the Cloud?

Colocation or the Cloud?

Since the release of the iCloud in June, regular internet users have become enthralled with the concept of the cloud computing. However, many don’t realize that they already use it on a day-to-day basis through programs such as regular e-mail, Google Docs, and Flickr. Businesses have long been incorporating cloud technologies into their IT departments, but the recent surge of interest in and the prices of cloud computing have led many wondering if colocation services wouldn’t be better.

Presentation Solutions: Resources For Putting Your Best Face Forward

Presentation Solutions: Resources For Putting Your Best Face Forward

It’s an unfortunate reality that most individuals on the job hunt don’t have the writing skills necessary to professionally present themselves. Besides going back to school, there are several resources that people can use that will help them brush up on the basics and help them put the best face forward.

Grammar Resources For Bloggers

Grammar Resources For Bloggers

Possibly the most important rules you need to consider when you’re running a blog are the use of grammar and syntax. Unfortunately, these are often things that many bloggers don’t take into account. We’ve been trained to write in short hand or come up with acronyms to get an idea across. Thoughtful expression has simply been a by standard of this. If you feel that your blog may be suffering from similar issues, there are many online resources at your disposal that you can employ to improve the standard and efficiency of your site.

The Future of Online Service

The Future of Online Service

There was a time, not that long ago, when wirelessly connecting to the Internet was a high-tech option that couldn’t be afforded by a majority of people yet now it’s becoming more commonplace than ever. It’s likely that, with further wireless innovations, most services will no longer require stationary routers and our mobility will only improve.

Top Laptop Brands of 2011

Top Laptop Brands of 2011

Each brand of laptop offers something different, and although each strives to offer high speeds and tons of memory, certain brands are better for different individuals depending on interests and operating needs. However, there are a few brands that are exceptionally great regardless of interest, and a few that should be avoided at all costs. Here are some of our favorite laptop brands.