Author: m_schraiber

LiveProfile: More Than Just Texting

LiveProfile is a free smartphone messenger application that works on the iPhone, Blackberry, and Android devices. LiveProfile improves upon the BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) platform by taking Short Message Service (SMS) communications to a higher level thanks to its nifty social networking features. LiveProfile. While text messaging is at the heart of LiveProfile, this cross-platform messenger can do a lot more than just SMS.

Facebook’s Video Chat: Not Really Too Awesome

Facebook’s Video Chat: Not Really Too Awesome

At a recent media event, Facebook unveiled its in-browser video chat solution for its social networking powerhouse. The online social media titan heralded this as an “awesome” feature, and backed up its claim by showing integration with Skype as well as a new design for the site’s existing Facebook Chat application.

The Power of Google Webmaster Tools

The Power of Google Webmaster Tools

According to Alexa Search Engine rankings, Google is currently the most used search engine on the Web. Further fleshing out its position at the top of the search engine pile, Google also offers a suite of powerful Webmaster Tools that help webmasters better optimize their site for Google results, and that also can provide powerful analytical data about website traffic.

Local SEO for SMBs: Three Reasons to Focus and Engage Your Community

Local SEO for SMBs: Three Reasons to Focus and Engage Your Community

Local search engine optimization (SEO) is an evolutionary attempt of small businesses (SMBs) to connect with their communities through online search. According to Search Engine Watch’s report by Local Offer Network (2011), companies invested in local SEO are increasing sales, improving visibility and strengthen their brands by focusing their efforts on optimizing their websites for local searches.

Blog SEO: 6 Tips for Getting Noticed by the Search Engines

Blog SEO: 6 Tips for Getting Noticed by the Search Engines

Blogs live or die based on traffic. If no one visits your blog, you will quickly get discouraged and you will not reap the rewards you sought. Search engine optimization (SEO) can turn that around by attracting searchers who find your blog at the top of the search engine results page. These tips will help you optimize your blog for the search engines.

Most Popular Tablets

Tablets are growing in popularity. The most well-known is probably the Apple iPad. Other bestselling tablets include the Samsung Galaxy, Motorola XOOM, and Blackberry Playbook. The main feature that makes a tablet different from...

Which Laptop is Best for Me?

Which Laptop is Best for Me?

Picking a laptop that fits your lifestyle, budget and needs can be difficult with the availability of a multitude of products, styles and options. Picking a laptop that fits your lifestyle, budget and needs can be difficult with the availability of a multitude of products, styles and options.