Author: mattrawlings

5 Essential IT Resources in Business

5 Essential IT Resources in Business

No matter what business area you work in, the chances are that IT systems, packages or some form of software are essential to the way you do your work and are also, in many cases, the difference between success and failure.

5 Movies Filmed on a Smartphone

5 Movies Filmed on a Smartphone

Smartphones have taken over our lives so it should come as no surprise that there are actually movies being filmed on these devices. These are not just short videos, but real movies with actors, plots, directors and musical scores. Some are promotional tools for the phones maker, but others are true films.

Getting a Job in the Tech Industry

Getting a Job in the Tech Industry

We all have our passions and hobbies, whether it’s playing football, reading books, riding motorbikes or trying to come up with the next global phenomenon like the iPad, but not many people take advantage of their skills and interests and turn them into careers. There are so many people all around the world who are currently unemployed or in jobs they don’t enjoy, but they don’t know how to get into a position where they can feel as though they enjoy going in each day as opposed to going in, getting through the day, collecting your pay packet at the end of the month and doing it all again next month.

Hazardous Driving Made Simpler with Ultrasonic Proximity Sensors

Hazardous Driving Made Simpler with Ultrasonic Proximity Sensors

Blind spots are a problem for all vehicles, small and large. Moving in small spaces is a big problem for larger, commercial vehicles and even smaller vehicles encounter difficulties in heavily congested areas or even rural areas. So how can we ensure that our vehicles are safe from damage as well as protected other road users and pedestrians around us?

Using GPS to Manage Your Fleet of Vehicles

Using GPS to Manage Your Fleet of Vehicles

As any business owner will know, it’s never easy to keep track of your employees all hours of the day, but it’s even more difficult when you have to run a fleet of vehicles and you spend every waking minute concerned as to the wellbeing of not only the driver, but the vehicle as well. After all, it’s a fair few thousand of your hard-earned cash out there.

Manage Your Documents More Efficiently

Manage Your Documents More Efficiently

When you’re cracking on nicely with a project, whether it’s an essay, a piece of work for a client or the construction of a new building, the last thing you want to hold you up is paperwork. Having to get individual documents signed off after each and every stage of the process can become very tedious and add days, even weeks, to the job.

The Top 3 Android Apps for Business on the Move

The Top 3 Android Apps for Business on the Move

With people using their smartphones for all kinds of purposes, ranging from business to social, entertainment to administration, it helps to find out how we can make the purpose for use simpler. After all, not everyone likes the built-in applications that come with smartphones, whether it’s the iPhone, the Blackberry, Android phones or Windows phones. Everyone has their own opinion – a bit like who is going to win tournaments or MVP awards.

Using GPS Devices in Every Day Life

Using GPS Devices in Every Day Life

For many, technology is something they despise purely because they can’t get certain things to work how they think it should. For others, it is essential in every day life and allows them to do far more than they ever thought was possible.

The Advantages of Prepaid Phones

The Advantages of Prepaid Phones

All phones have their advantages and disadvantages, but the one thing that people around the world are looking at right now is the cost. We’re in difficult times financially with prices increasing and disposable income decreasing, so more and more people are looking to cut costs wherever possible, and the mobile phone is one area that people are looking at.

Five Tips for Online Shopping

Five Tips for Online Shopping

Shopping is something you either love or hate doing. For many it’s a form of relaxation, quoting “retail therapy” to their partners who are being dragged around the high streets for the umpteenth time that month spending money that they don’t really have. For others, it is a way of treating themselves after a long month at work when pay day finally arrives.

Live Vehicle Tracking with GPS Systems

Live Vehicle Tracking with GPS Systems

Global Positioning Systems, better known to you and me as GPS, are becoming increasingly influential in all areas of travel and motoring, with vehicle and fleet owners investing in the devices to keep track of their beloved – and essential – vehicles.