Author: Missy Diaz

3 Geeky But Wacky Apps for The iPhone

3 Geeky But Wacky Apps for The iPhone

It doesn’t matter whether you’re a female or male geek, what matters is that you both love clever things. You appreciate the fiendishly smart things in life and can spot a Star Wars convention from a hundred miles away. We kid, but we know you can.

5 Ways To Incorporate Google Plus On Your Blog

5 Ways To Incorporate Google Plus On Your Blog

The social network flavor of the month is the one from the almighty Google themselves and although it has been noted in several tech sites that only those who are web savvy are on the platform. It can’t hurt to incorporate Google Plus on your site or blog.

5 Ways A Blogger Can Maintain Good Eye Health

5 Ways A Blogger Can Maintain Good Eye Health

As a blog owner who sits and stares at a computer screen for long periods of time each day, it’s imperative that steps be taken to maintain good eye health.

video poker kindle game

5 Classic Kindle Games for Geeks

If you recently scored a Kindle and now seek fun Kindle games to pass the time while you’re getting to and from work or school, below is a list of five classic Kindle games aimed at geeks.

Top 5 Methods To Add Images To Your Blog

A blog without images is like a museum without art. In other words, it’s bland, dull and boring. You don’t want a blog that conveys that, do you? Not likely. If you’ve put off adding images in your blog because you don’t know how or want quick and easy methods, below we take a look at five methods to add images to your blog.