Author: olliesheerin


RIM CEO remains bullish despite grim outlook

Thorsten Heins, the man in charge of the ailing BlackBerry smartphone brand, has claimed that he is confident that his company’s upcoming new operating system BlackBerry 10 will ‘win’ against its iPhone and Android rivals. He continued, “we’re not here to fight for third or fourth place” but he plans on returning to the top of the smartphone OS market share pile. Madness? Maybe. But there is one way in which it isn’t entirely impossible.


Latest leaked images of the iPhone 5

Rumours of a September launch date for the Apple iPhone 5 are becoming increasingly credible as more leaked pictures become available. These latest images appear to show a fully assembled and complete iPhone 5 for the first time. We have seen the supposed backplate, front plate and blueprints as well as a whole host of engineering models, but this appears to be the first time a legitimate iPhone 5 has been assembled in all its gadgety glory.