Barack Obama does an AMA on Reddit
How many of you use Reddit? Reddit is one of the most visited sites on the internet and one can find topics ranging from technology to politics to humor. A popular section on Reddit is the AMA(Ask me Anything) section. It is a subreddit where people summon others to ask them questions regarding their profession. Barack Obama has just done an AMA on Reddit which has already gained about 20000 comments at the time of writing this post.
Reddit is mostly dominated by funny images, pictures of cats and humorous gifs. Today Barack Obama’s Reddit took it to the frontpage of the site and has had thousands of people interacting with him. As the presidential candidates are trying to leave no stones unturned, this looks like a fantastic move on the side of Obama.
The topic is Titled “I am Barack Obama, President of the United States” You can find it here. He initially said that he will be taking the questions for about half an hour starting 4:30 ET. Due to Obama’s Iama, Reddit was down for quite sometime. Obama’s closing comment said that his experience with Reddit was not bad.