Beginning Your Pin Quest On Pinterest
If you’re familiar with other social bookmarking sites, getting started with Pinterest should be a snap. We’ve designed this section of the report, however, to take even a newly trained internet user how they can take advantage of all Pinterest has to offer. Read and follow each step verbatim to get the most out of your experience with the world’s largest growing social gathering place.
Getting In
You’ll notice initially when you land on that you have the option to either request an invitation or to log in. Currently, you simply cannot jump on board with Pinterest without somebody, albeit your family, friends or Pinterest, inviting you to sign up. So, the best initial step to take would be to request Pinterest invite you to come aboard, which could take anywhere from a day to several weeks. Once you’ve put your email address in their system, they’ll spit out an invitation link as soon as they get to it. Please note that, at this time, if you try to log into the Pinterest system with your Twitter or Facebook accounts and have not received a friend or Pinterest invitation, it will give you a gray screen indicating you’ve not been invited as of yet.
Once you have, however, received your invitation, you’ll have the option to connect your Twitter or Facebook accounts to Pinterest. If you wish to use both, simply finish the sign up process by tweaking your username, putting in the email registered to your social media account chosen, and finish up the sign up process. From there, you can always invite yourself by sending an invitation to another email address you control.
Familiarizing Yourself With Pinterest
Now that you’ve made it inside, let’s get yourself acclimated with your basic tabs and what you’ll be initially looking at. Starting from top left, you’ll see the search bar where you can find keyword-specific pins that may interest you. If you wish to look around before including your own pins, the search feature would be a great place to begin. Working our way towards the upper middle part of the screen, you’ll see a link where you’ll be able to see everyone that is following you, particular gift ideas that are arranged by price, a link to watch videos, and the main category browser labeled ‘Everything’.
Moving to the right part of your upper screen, you’ll see the real meat and potatoes of your Pinterest user area. First, you’ll see where you can add pins, learn more about the Pinterest concept, check on your own account and user-created pin boards and a button where you can invite friends to join you on Pinterest. Scrolling down your main landing page will only render a continuous scroll of pins; if you go down too far, a ‘scroll to top’ button is available which will return you to where you were.
Creating Your First Pin Board
To begin sharing all of your pictorial faves, you’ll need to first create a pin board to put them on. To start this process, you’ll click the ‘Add+’ tab on the upper right of the screen; a set of three options will pop up: add a pin, upload a pin, and create a pin board. Select ‘Create a Pin Board’ and watch another tiny screen pop up. From here, you’ll choose the name, who can contribute, and the category it best falls under. Type in a creative name for your pin board; something that will stick out and be easily remembered by you. Once done, hit the ‘create’ button and you’ll be immediately taken to your blank board.