Best Tools To Check For Plagiarized Content
Plagiarism is basically a form of cheating in which you present other’s ideas (work/task) as your own. The idea can be anything, a song, web page, book, television show, article etc. But still different people have different definitions regarding plagiarism. If you copy someone’s idea and you properly cited it, then it does not come under plagiarism. But if you do not mention the source (from where you copy this idea) then it comes under PLAGIRISM.
Nowadays, plagiarism has become very common especially in colleges and universities. In order to gain marks the students often copy/paste their friend’s assignments/projects. But the colleges and universities also have solution for such type of students. There are different plagiarism tools, which check the plagiarism. The colleges and universities use such type of tools, so that they may check the plagiarism. Let’s discuss some of the best plagiarism checking tools.
Plagiarisma.Net is perhaps the best tool by the help of which you can check the plagiarism. I have used this tool so many times and it gives cent percent results. It is free and has no text size limit. It checks different type of files such as txt, html, rtf, doc, docx, odt, pdf etc. It compares multiple files for similarity. It also tells you from where you have copied the idea/content. It tells you the uniqueness of your content in terms of percentage.
Duplicatechecker is a useful plagiarism detection software that cleans you content of plagiarism and changes parts of it to make it original. This free software will be useful for students, newbies or almost anyone who needs to deal with content frequently. You can simply copy paste your piece of text and the software will analyze each of your sentences and display the source from where each of them were copied.
CopyScape is another very useful tool by the help of which you can detect plagiarism. It is one of the renowned plagiarism search engine. It offers two types of plagiarism services, free service and paid service. In free service, you just enter a website’s URL. After that CopyScape plagiarism checker checks the content accordingly. The paid services of CopyScape are CopyScape Premium and Copy Sentry.
PlagiarismDetect is also one of the best plagiarism checkers by the help of which, you can easily detect the plagiarized content. It offers free as well as paid services. If you opt free version, then you have to register yourself. On the other hand it’s paid version costs $14.99/month.
So, these are the three best online plagiarism tools by the help of which you can detect any kind of plagiarism. If you know more of such tools, do share with us in the comments below, so that we can add them into our next list.