Category: Blogging

Blogging Techniques and ways to promote it, bring traffic to your blog and many other proven methods for increasing your traffic and making more revenue out of your blog.

WordPress vs. Static Site Generators for Blogging

WordPress is undeniably one of the most popular content management systems (CMS) out there, powering over 40% of the web. However, as the demand for faster, more secure, and easily maintainable websites grows, many...

4 Tips for Boosting Your Website Usability

4 Tips for Boosting Your Website Usability

Whether your goal is to improve brand awareness or maximize sales, you should know that your website is the key to all your digital marketing efforts. You should, therefore, ensure that it is in...

The Last Word in WordPress – eCommerce Plugins

The Last Word in WordPress – eCommerce Plugins

WordPress slogan speaks for itself – it is free and priceless at the same time. Initially developed for blogging WordPress now offers much wider options. It provides users with the ability to establish beautiful website for free. WordPress CMS also offers priceless opportunities to publish quality content and launch an online store. This makes WordPress one of the most popular solutions to set and manage eCommerce business.
It is simple in operating and thus is especially beneficial for eCommerce newcomers and non-technical merchants. However, can WordPress provide you with the first-class store management experience? Let’s have a closer look on the WordPress based shopping carts with
their pros and cons to answer the question. WordPress Plugins Peculiarities.

Top 7 Business Apps for Android

Top 7 Business Apps for Android

With an ever increasing technology, businesses are increasingly becoming convenient and easy to handle. The little device in your hand called your smartphone has been equipped with applications that it can take much care of many of your business requirements.

7 Ways to Increase Your RSS Followers

7 Ways to Increase Your RSS Followers

There are a number of effective ways on how you can increase your RSS followers. If you are thinking of doing this for your website, then take a look at these seven important ways, follow them carefully and you will definitely be able to increase your subscribers in no time.

7 Ways to Make Your Blog Stand Out

7 Ways to Make Your Blog Stand Out

With literally thousands of blogs available throughout the web there are some things that you are going to have to do to make your blog stand out from the rest if you want to accumulate traffic. Some blogs come out and they are instantly a hit while other blogs come out and they are lucky if they get twenty viewers a day. This article is going to explain the seven ways that you can make your blog stand out to insure that your blog is one of the ones that make it.

Top 10 Blogging Dos and Don’ts

Top 10 Blogging Dos and Don’ts

Here we have a list of ten do’s and don’ts. The don’ts are listed first and are five of the most silly and self indulgent mistakes that any blogger can make. If you are clever then you will keep these five points in your mind as you write, and then you will go back and check your work when it is done to make sure that none of the “don’ts” have crept in.

My favourite five WordPress plugins

My favourite five WordPress plugins

One of the main reasons why Wordpress is so successful is due to the support of its users. This is generally in the form of plugin development, with the platform boasting tens of thousands of different plugins that one can benefit from. However, while it’s certainly nice to be provided such an avalanche of choices, it can be daunting and there may be times where you have to select which plugin will be most beneficial to your site. Following on from this, I have compiled a list of my five favourite plugins for the system which I always install on all of my websites.

Softswitch Technology – Changing The Way How Businesses Communicate

Technologically, the world has advanced in many areas. Let it be in the area of medicine, science and IT or space science, man has seen quantum change. No field has been spared of modernisation. Incidentally, telecommunication is one area, which has developed enormously since the last two decade, and the credit goes to the internet.

Best iPhone Blogging Tools

Best iPhone Blogging Tools

Generally, bloggers are considered technologically savvy. Bloggers like trying out new tools, plugins, social media and of course, their smartphones. With their devices they can use their wireless internet to check their Facebook messages and emails. With the wireless internet connection, they can virtually let everyone know where they are, know what people are Tweeting with just one smartphone, which of course goes where they go.

4 Main Reasons for Closing Blog Comments

4 Main Reasons for Closing Blog Comments

Blog comments are very essential for all blogs. They make the blogs social in the real essence of the word social. Without these comments, a blog is somewhat boring just like an ordinary one-sided conversation on a website that talks at its audience rather than with its audience. To make your blog succeed, you should allow comments from the readers on all your blog posts.

5 Great WordPress Tweaks

5 Great WordPress Tweaks

WordPress is one of the world’s top blogging platforms, so if you are new to the game or a very experienced blogger, there are good odds that you have WordPress powering your blog. This top platform has a lot of tweaks that you could use to make your blog even better.

Guidelines for Changing a Blog Theme

Guidelines for Changing a Blog Theme

Once in a while, a blogger might want to change the theme of their blog. Besides choosing from one of the many free themes available online, some bloggers choose to modify existing themes, create their own themes or pay a professional to design one for them. The following are some of the things you need to keep in mind when changing the theme for your blog.

WP Super Cache not working on WordPress 3.4.1? Here is the solution

WP Super Cache not working on WordPress 3.4.1? Here is the solution

WP Super Cache is one of the most installed plugins for Wordpress. It heavily reduces server load and speeds up website load times. If you are a Wordpress user, you must be familiar with the merits of this plugin. After updating to Wordpress’ latest version, have you had a look at the plugin settings recently? Well if you have not, you had better check it quick.

WordPress vs Tumblr

WordPress vs Tumblr

Tumblr and WordPress are two popular and commonly used blogging platforms. If you are a newbie to blogging, then you would be rather confused about which blogging platform to choose. So, before you consider one platform, it is essential that you understand the primary differences between each of them.

From Blog to Profitable Business in Four Steps

From Blog to Profitable Business in Four Steps

Blogging has been viewed as an avocation by most Internet enthusiasts and a source to share and gain knowledge about new concepts.With the emergence of ecommerce as a dominant force on the Internet, the concepts of search engine optimization, search engine marketing, and personalized searches are starting to evolve. All these concepts have evolved with a single objective, the objective of directing the right customer to the right online location.