4 Main Reasons for Closing Blog Comments

Blog comments are very essential for all blogs. They make the blogs social in the real essence of the word social. Without these comments, a blog is somewhat boring just like an ordinary one-sided conversation on a website that talks at its audience rather than with its audience. To make your blog succeed, you should allow comments from the readers on all your blog posts.Allowing blog comments open indefinitely is significant because your blog archives live forever. Who knows, perhaps someone might open your blog posts and leave comments. If your blog posts are somehow relevant, then why you will close blog comments?. But sometimes you need to close blog comments on a specific blog posts for some valid reasons. The following are the main reasons why you might consider closing blog comments.

  1. To lessen spam comments. Previous blog posts may invite a lot of spam comments and it really takes time to moderate all of these. With this, the best thing that you can do is to close blog comments for those older posts that generate lots of spam comments.
  2. To manage posts that are actually done and over with its original purpose. This is to ensure that you will not be receiving comments for your blog posts that are highly time sensitive. For instance, you had a previous post announcing a certain contest and inviting everybody to enter the said contest. If you still receive comments and entries for that specific blog post even after the contest is already over, then closing blog comments might be the best option to consider. With this, you will no longer take time to respond for those comments to let them know that the contest is over.
  3. To stop a controversial conversation. Sometimes your post may end up controversial not because of the content itself but simply because of the comments it generated. For example, your blog post could launch an unpredictable debate on issues such as political upheavals, economic crisis, religious turmoil, or anything that’s actually out of the context of your entire post. With this, your blog post becomes a place for all the nasty and hate-filled comments as well as personal attacks because of the debates it unintentionally generated. To end this problem, it’s best to close blog comments and leave an explanation as to why you need to turn off comments. But you should refer to the blog comment policy so that commenters will know what types of comments are totally acceptable for all your future posts.
  4. It’s your choice. Well, it is very understandable that you created a blog post with a specific goal for it. Therefore you can do anything you want with it to meet whatever goal that you have in mind. Since your blog is your official online space, you can control and configure it in any way you want to. Closing blog comments is definitely your prerogative.

At any rate, you have the option to close blog comments indefinitely or for a specific period of time only, thanks to those blogging applications. In your comment settings, you may choose to close comments for all your posts once they reach 90 days from the date these were published online or you may close comments only on selected posts then turn on the comment section back at a later date.

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