Guest Posting on Techattitude

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Techattitude is now open for guest bloggers. Bloggers and writers can guest post on Techattitude and have benefits. Guest posting helps you increase your blog’s visibility and gain backlinks as well. Even if you aren’t a blogger, you can write articles for Techattitude.

You can have upto two backlinks for each article you write. You’ll see an author resource section while writing an article. In that section, you can fill a brief bio on yourself and add upto two links to any webpage. If you leave the field empty, the default biography from your profile will be shown with a link to your homepage.

Techattitude is a technology blog; therefore your article should be related to topics that Techattitude mainly covers. You can write tech tips and tricks, online tools, software, gadgets, Social networking and more.

  1. Your article should be unique; copied articles won’t be accepted.
  2. You can add relevant links in the article body but use the author bio section to add links to your website.
  3. Your articles should be related to Technology and Web 2.0 You can write about tips and tricks, online tools, gadgets, social networking tools, blogging, SEO etc.
  4. You shouldn’t post the article elsewhere after posting it on Techattitude.
  5. There is no minimum article length criterion for articles.
  6. Your articles should not have affiliate links.

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