Now get control over your blogs through SMS

You can update your status on Twitter or Facebook easily through SMS. has released a feature that lets you have a certain level of control on your blog via SMS. The newly launched text messaging feature lets you manage your blog through SMS messages. So don’t worry if you don’t have a computer at your disposal for basic control over your blog.

The shortcode 77377 will let you handle your blog. The service is currently available only in the US and standard SMS rates apply to the service. The features of the’s SMS service are of Free and Premium types. The Free service basically only notify you for certain changes in your blog like New user added or removed, changes in themes and privacy settings etc.

The Premium service can actually let you have a command over your blog. You’ll have to pay $20 a year to use this service. You can protect your blog via a two-step login process. You’ll be sent a text message upon login with a passcode that must be entered to access the Dashboard. You can also get notifications for new comments and moderate them via a SMS reply on the fly. It also has a SMS posting feature. Like if you want to post something short and nifty to your blog, you can scribble it on your phone and send it to the SMS Messaging shortcode and the next moment it will be published to your blog. Isn’t that cool? You can find full instructions on Text Messaging service here.

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