Category: Blogging

Major Blog Promotion Mistakes to Avoid

Major Blog Promotion Mistakes to Avoid

Many people go about promoting their blogs the wrong way. Using inappropriate blog promotion techniques can get you ignored by readers and even blacklisted by other bloggers. The following are some of the blog promotion mistakes to be avoided at all costs.

Plagiarism and other forms of copying

Plagiarism and other forms of copying

Plagiarism has been with around since the formation of ideas. Before the dawning of computers, information technology, and the internet, people got away with plagiarizing. Today, plagiarism and other forms of copying can be detected and in some cases, even punishable by law.

4 Common Mistakes When Starting a Weight Loss Blog and How to Avoid Them

4 Common Mistakes When Starting a Weight Loss Blog and How to Avoid Them

Starting a weight loss blog is just like starting any offline business. Don’t be deceived into thinking that there is less risk of failure because you’re operating online and have invested less in tangible assets. Many have become bloggers in this field after being swayed by popular opinion and the fact that a good number of urban dwellers are overweight. But numbers can be deceptive; much as demand for mobile devices is growing, not every brand is making profits. However, if you have discovered an untapped niche in the weight loss industry and have an idea of how you can exploit it through your blog, it could be worth taking the risk and getting started.

Blogger Custom Domain if no CNAME A records Option Available

Use blogger blog with a custom domain that doesn’t have CNAME Option

To use blogger on a custom domain, you need to modify the CNAME records of the domain with the ones provided by blogger. But many domain sellers don’t allow you to modify the CNAME records. This is especially the case with domain resellers. They provide you with an account that only lets you modify the nameservers but don’t offer option to modify the CNAME records. If you have come across such a situation here’s how you can use custom domain on blogger blog even if your domain provider doesn’t allow modifying CNAME records.

Business Blogging Awesomeness- Picking the Right Subjects

Business Blogging Awesomeness- Picking the Right Subjects

The rules for business blogging are adapting and evolving as businesses are just beginning to scratch the surface of the potential of this powerful platform. While a lot of businesses are, quite frankly, missing the mark with their blogs, others are able to engage, entertain, and gain customers through theirs. What is the key to developing a successful business blog? The answer is simple- awesomeness.

Load jquery on your WordPress blog from Google APIs

Load jquery on your WordPress blog from Google APIs

If your blog uses jquery, you will see a reference to the jquery file in your websites source(Ctrl+U). This jquery file could be used by one of your plugins or your theme itself to show certain content or other specific purposes. You can load the jquery from Google Libraries to reduce the loading time of your site. Here is how you can load Jquery from Google on Wordpress blogs.

Manage multiple WordPress blogs through a single administrator interface

Manage multiple WordPress blogs through a single administrator interface

If you are a professional blogger, it is highly likely that you run more than one blog. Bloggers may want to cover more than one niche of their interest and therefore may go on building more than a single blog. But, if the number of blogs is high, you can have a hard time managing and monitoring all those blogs. If that’s the case with you, ManageWP can be of great help.

As A Blogger, When Can You Use Someone Else’s Content?

As A Blogger, When Can You Use Someone Else’s Content?

Most bloggers know that their hobby or profession is a community, of sorts. As with any community, its members often collaborate with one another to help each other out, by sharing tricks of the trade, and the like. But, again, as in any community, there are plenty of potential points of conflict.

Features bloggers should keep in mind while buying a laptop

Features bloggers should keep in mind while buying a laptop

Not everybody can afford to buy the latest, most powerful laptops with the best possible features available in the market. The majority has to resort to buying the older ones which are least expensive, while comparing between the several, slightly old machines, in order to save while still getting their hands on a notebook that will get the work done. These buyers look out towards the internet for advice, by going through the various “reviews and specs” websites to choose the best from the rest.

Reasons to Invest in Good Content

Reasons to Invest in Good Content

Finding cheap and easily sourced content is becoming quick and easy for most companies – but most often this kind of content isn’t going to be high quality, and whilst it may save money on your budget, it could be having a negative effect elsewhere.

Manage your posts only Reloaded WordPress plugin

Manage your posts only Reloaded WordPress plugin

Guest blogging has become very popular these days. But many of those who want to get guest posts wouldn’t want the contributors see the posts by others or the number of posts that are on the site. Wordpress lists all the posts that are on the website on the dashboard of the user. Well if you don’t want the contributors to see the posts by others, Manage your posts only reloaded plugin can be of use.

Limit the number of posts a user can submit in a day

Limit the number of posts a user can submit in a day

Guest blogging has become ubiquitous in the recent years. There are lots of blogs that allow guest posts their blogs; Techattitude is also one among them. There are many benefits of allowing guest posts on your blog but nothing is without demerits. Guest posts can bring you a number of quality articles to your site but at the same time also increases the chances of spammers submitting numerous duplicated posts in a single day. If you want a solution of this, here is the trick.

5 Ways A Blogger Can Maintain Good Eye Health

5 Ways A Blogger Can Maintain Good Eye Health

As a blog owner who sits and stares at a computer screen for long periods of time each day, it’s imperative that steps be taken to maintain good eye health.

How to import a blogger blog to WordPress(for larger blogs)

How to import a blogger blog to WordPress(for larger blogs)

Blogger is among the most popular blogging platforms in today’s world. Blogger provides a lot of options for bloggers that is barely provided by any other blogging platform. Many bloggers move to Wordpress blogging platform from Blogger after their blog on Blogger has gained a good traction for more control options. Importing a blogger blog to Wordpress is facilitated by import tools that are available as plugins for Wordpress or other third party tools.

The Magic of WordPress

The Magic of WordPress

One of the premier web hosting sites is WordPress. WordPress is a company that is dedicated to helping their customers set up professional websites quickly and easily. There are numerous advantages to using WordPress...

6 ways to get your creativity flowing in relation to blog post

6 ways to get your creativity flowing in relation to blog post

Are you lacking inspiration to write down your new article? Are you feeling as if you used up all the different topics when it comes to your web blog topic? If you are in this situation then you’ll certainly benefit from looking over this article where I’ll be dealing with 6 different ways that will assist you find some ideas for your upcoming article.

How to Optimize Your Business Blog for the Search Engines

How to Optimize Your Business Blog for the Search Engines

You’ve read about the importance of blogging on your favorite blog and you’re starting to take some steps to begin your new blogging career. You already know how important having a great design is to having a great first impression on your readers and you’ve done every other great thing you can think of.

12 Tips To Become A Successful Blogger

12 Tips To Become A Successful Blogger

Blogs are mushrooming all over the internet like weeds in a garden. Some blogs have been outstanding successes, while some have earned mediocre success. Some others have died virtually unknown deaths. To which of these categories do you want your blog to belong? How do you ensure that you learn from your mistakes and get your blogging basics right? Here are ten tips, ten things that you can do to succeed at blogging.