Category: Blogging

4 interesting tips to help you generate ideas for your blog post

4 interesting tips to help you generate ideas for your blog post

Are you lacking ideas when it comes to creating your new blog post? Are you feeling as if you have used up all the possible topics with regards to your website topic? If you are in this situation then you will definitely benefit from looking over this write-up where I’ll be dealing with 4 different ways that may help you find some ideas for your next post.

Grammar Resources For Bloggers

Grammar Resources For Bloggers

Possibly the most important rules you need to consider when you’re running a blog are the use of grammar and syntax. Unfortunately, these are often things that many bloggers don’t take into account. We’ve been trained to write in short hand or come up with acronyms to get an idea across. Thoughtful expression has simply been a by standard of this. If you feel that your blog may be suffering from similar issues, there are many online resources at your disposal that you can employ to improve the standard and efficiency of your site.

4 benefits of allowing guest posting on your site

4 benefits of allowing guest posting on your site

There are many webmasters that may fear to allow guest posters on their site. In my opinion this is an unfounded fear and should be dealt with as soon as possible. Indeed there are many advantages that are associated with the fact of allowing guest bloggers on your site. In this article I will be speaking about 4 interesting benefits of allowing guest posting on your site and I hope that it will be useful for you.

Top 5 Methods To Add Images To Your Blog

A blog without images is like a museum without art. In other words, it’s bland, dull and boring. You don’t want a blog that conveys that, do you? Not likely. If you’ve put off adding images in your blog because you don’t know how or want quick and easy methods, below we take a look at five methods to add images to your blog.

How to Make Your Content Visually Appealing

How to Make Your Content Visually Appealing

It is true that quality content is one of the essential characteristics of a successful blogger. It is also true that visually appealing content is very important since nobody will want to go through something that looks annoying and is a frustration to wade through.

Guest Posting on Techattitude

Guest Posting on Techattitude

Techattitude is now open for guest bloggers. Bloggers and writers can guest post on Techattitude and have benefits. Guest posting helps you increase your blog’s visibility and gain backlinks as well. Even if you aren’t a blogger, you can write articles for Techattitude. As Techattitude is a technology blog,

Update Simple Tags plugin to fix Permalink redirect in WordPress 3.1

Update Simple Tags plugin to fix Permalink redirect in WordPress 3.1

Simple tags is a very useful plugin that helps in adding tags to your posts. It automatically populates a list of tags as you start typing in the tag section. It also has an option to link to the tag pages through posts. If you are using simple tags and use permalink redirect plugin, its high time that you updated Simple Tags plugin for Wordpress 3.1.

Enable basic screen options after fresh installation of WordPress 3.1

After installing Wordpress 3.1, a user may find a lot of new options right out of the box but also find some things missing. Like, if you are fond of adding excerpts to your blog posts, you’ll instantly miss the text box for adding excerpt in the post area. You can enable this from the Screen Options.

WordPress 3.1 Django available for download now

WordPress 3.1 Django available for download now

The most awaited version of Wordpress, Wordpress 3.1 has is now available for download. Wordpress 3.1 also called “Django” can also be updated from the dashaboard. Django is named after the Jazz guitarist Django Reinhardt.

Now get control over your blogs through SMS

Now get control over your blogs through SMS

You can update your status on Twitter or Facebook easily through SMS. has released a feature that lets you have a certain level of control on your blog via SMS. The newly launched text messaging feature lets you manage your blog through SMS messages. So don’t worry if you don’t have a computer at your disposal for basic control over your blog.

Turn your blog into a book

Are you a regular blogger and write about things that interest you? Blogging is a good way of archiving your thoughts and ideas. Wouldn’t you love to have your blog in the form of a book? Or, if you believe you’ve mind boggling content, wouldn’t you love to get your blog published as a book? Anthologize is a great tool that gives you the power of converting a blog into a book.

How to preview post as you type in WordPress

How to preview post as you type in WordPress

In the draft mode in Wordpress, you click on the Preview Post link to see how your post would look like after being published. But isn’t it a bit tedious to preview the post each time while drafting? Wouldn’t you love it if you could “see as you type” how your post would appear on the blog? A few modifications in the stylesheet and a few tweaks here and there will let you have the benefit.

See which of your posts are getting more spams

Where there is a blog, there are spams. Every blogger spends a lot of time in handling spams. Even plugins like Askimet cannot get hold of Spam sometimes. Besides, Askimet also tends to filter normal comments into spam category. There are certain posts on your blog that attract more spams than others. These can better be called the “Spam Magnets”. Spam Magnet Checker is a cool plugin that lets you have an analysis of the Spam Magnet posts, i.e. the posts getting maximum number of spams on your blog.

I just fought a malware on this WordPress blog

My blog was facing a malware issue in the last few days. Well I wasn’t aware of this fact. About 5 days ago, when I tried to open my blog in Google Chrome, it showed a malware warning. I was pretty much surprised to see that, because my blog was running smooth on Chrome just the day before. I thought either there’s something wrong with my computer or Chrome was screwed up.

Popular posts widget for your blog based on the highest number of traffic-I

Popular posts widget for your blog based on the highest number of traffic-I

You want to show your readers the posts that are most popular on your blog. If you use Wordpress for maintaining your blog, you can use or must have already used plugins that show off the most popular posts. Placing such widgets help you get more traffic to your quality posts. But the wordpress plugins basically display the popular posts based on the number of comments, i.e. the more comments a blog gets, the higher is its rank on the popular posts widget. The posts that get the highest number of comments are not necessarily the posts that get the maximum number of traffic. So, what if you want to put a popular posts widget that shows the posts getting maximum number of traffic?

Test Adsense on your WordPress blogs

Test Adsense on your WordPress blogs

Adsense is by far the best and the easiest tool to monetize your site. You can easily place ads on your site by putting the Javascript code snipped in the html of your site or blog. If you use Wordpress, there are a number of plugins that are available for inserting Adsense. These tools allow you to insert adsense very easily without having to put the whole javascript code in your templates or on your posts inline. But what if you want to test Adsense on your site by placing them in appropirate places so as to generate more clicks? If you repeatedly open up your site to test Adsense visiting as a normal user, you’ll make a number of impressions to the ad which Google Adsense won’t entertain. And there are chances for accidental clicks as well. So, how will you test adsense the legitimate way on your blog? Well here’s how you do it.

Embed Google Presentation in your blog

Embed Google Presentation in your blog

If you want to share your presentation but don’t want to bear the hassle of uploading it on Youtube and then embedding on your site, you can use Google Spreadsheets to create presentation and then embed it on your blog or website.

Create podcasts for your blog with Odiogo

why not create a podcast for your blog so that people won’t need to strain their eyes reading but enjoy the content just by listening? Or just magnify the exposure to your blog to people who are addicted to nothing but podcasts? Odiogo is a service that can convert your posts into high quality audio files and demands you to do nothing but sit back and relax.