WordPress vs. Static Site Generators for Blogging

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July 2, 2024

WordPress is undeniably one of the most popular content management systems (CMS) out there, powering over 40% of the web. However, as the demand for faster, more secure, and easily maintainable websites grows, many developers and site owners are turning to static site generators (SSGs) as viable alternatives. SSGs offer numerous benefits, such as improved performance, enhanced security, and reduced hosting costs.

Content Management and Workflow

WordPress: As a full-featured CMS, WordPress excels at providing an intuitive, user-friendly interface for managing blog content. The WordPress admin dashboard gives bloggers a centralized hub for writing, editing, organizing, and publishing new posts. The visual editor allows for rich formatting, embedding media, and other advanced content features. This makes WordPress well-suited for blogs with frequent updates, complex content structures, and a need for an efficient editorial workflow.

The WordPress ecosystem also includes thousands of themes and plugins that extend the platform’s functionality. This allows WordPress blogs to take on more advanced use cases beyond basic blogging, such as e-commerce, membership sites, forums, and more.

Static Site Generators: In contrast, static site generators rely on a more technical, code-centric workflow. Content is typically written in Markdown or similar markup languages, and then compiled into HTML pages. This requires a bit more upfront effort compared to the WordPress admin interface, but results in a very fast, lightweight website.

The content workflow for static site generators usually involves writing posts in a text editor, managing content in a version control system like Git, and then running a build command to generate the final HTML pages. This approach is better suited for bloggers who are comfortable working with code and prefer a more developer-oriented workflow.

Static site generators excel at basic blogging features like Markdown writing, SEO optimization, and automated deployment. However, they generally have a more limited ecosystem compared to WordPress, with fewer pre-built themes and plugins available.

Performance and Scalability

WordPress: As a database-driven CMS, WordPress sites need to generate pages dynamically on each request. This can result in slower load times, especially for sites with a lot of content or traffic. WordPress performance can be improved through caching plugins and hosting optimizations, but it will always have some inherent overhead compared to static sites.

Additionally, the dynamic nature of WordPress means that server resources (CPU, memory, database) can become a bottleneck as traffic increases. This can lead to performance issues and the need to scale up infrastructure, which adds complexity and cost.

Static Site Generators: In contrast, static sites generated from text files are generally faster and more scalable than WordPress. The pre-generated HTML pages can be cached and served efficiently by a content delivery network (CDN), with no need to generate pages dynamically. This makes static sites a great choice for high-traffic blogs that prioritize speed and performance.

Static site generators also have a smaller attack surface compared to WordPress, as they don’t require a database or server-side processing. This can result in better reliability and uptime, with fewer points of failure.

The tradeoff is that static site generators require a build step to generate the final HTML pages. This means that updates and new content won’t be immediately visible to users until the site is re-built and re-deployed. However, modern static site generators have features like incremental builds and deploy previews to minimize the impact of this workflow.

Security and Maintenance

WordPress: As the world’s most popular CMS, WordPress is also a frequent target for hacks and malware. This is due to its large attack surface, with the core software, themes, and plugins all potential vectors for vulnerabilities.

Keeping a WordPress site secure requires regular updates to the core software, themes, and plugins to address security issues as they are discovered. This ongoing maintenance can be time-consuming, especially for complex WordPress sites with many customizations.

WordPress sites also need to be monitored for malicious activity, and may require additional security measures like firewalls, malware scanning, and two-factor authentication. Failing to properly maintain a WordPress site can lead to it being compromised and used for spam, phishing, or other malicious purposes.

Static Site Generators: In contrast, static sites generated from text files have a much smaller attack surface compared to WordPress. Since there is no database or server-side processing, the risk of vulnerabilities is greatly reduced. Static sites also don’t require regular software updates or plugin management, reducing maintenance overhead.

The static nature of these sites means that even if a vulnerability is discovered in one of the underlying tools or libraries, the impact is limited since there is no dynamic code execution. The worst-case scenario is that the site may need to be re-built and re-deployed with the updated dependencies.

Additionally, static site generators often integrate well with modern security practices like Content Security Policies, Subresource Integrity, and HTTPS. This can help harden the security of the site without requiring extensive manual configuration.

The tradeoff is that static site generators may require more technical expertise to set up and maintain compared to a WordPress site. However, once the initial setup is complete, the ongoing maintenance burden is typically much lower.

Customization and Extensibility

WordPress: One of WordPress’s key strengths is its vast ecosystem of themes and plugins. This allows WordPress blogs to be highly customized and extended to meet a wide range of requirements. From simple blog designs to complex e-commerce or membership sites, there’s likely a WordPress solution available.

The WordPress plugin repository contains over 50,000 free and premium plugins that add functionality like contact forms, SEO optimization, social sharing, and much more. This makes it possible to build a WordPress site that is tailored to your specific needs without having to write all the code from scratch.

WordPress also has a large and active developer community, with many resources available for learning how to build custom themes and plugins. This can be especially useful for bloggers who want to create a unique, branded experience for their site.

Static Site Generators: While static site generators don’t have the same level of pre-built theme and plugin ecosystem as WordPress, they can still be highly customized through custom code and third-party services. Many static site generators provide robust APIs and extension mechanisms that allow developers to build custom functionality.

For example, static site generators often integrate well with external services like Disqus for comments, Netlify for hosting and deployment, Algolia for search, and various analytics platforms. This allows bloggers to assemble a tailored tech stack without having to build everything from scratch.

Additionally, the code-centric nature of static site generators means that bloggers who are comfortable with web development can create highly customized designs and features using standard web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

The tradeoff is that customizing a static site generator typically requires more technical expertise compared to using a WordPress theme or plugin. However, the flexibility and control offered by this approach can be worth the additional effort for bloggers who have the necessary skills and resources.

Hosting and Deployment

WordPress: Hosting a WordPress site requires a web server that can run the PHP and MySQL components of the CMS. This can be done through a traditional web hosting provider, a managed WordPress host, or by setting up your own server infrastructure.

Deploying updates to a WordPress site usually involves logging into the admin dashboard, uploading new files or database changes, and possibly clearing caches. This process can be automated to some degree using tools like Git, deployment scripts, and plugins, but it still requires more manual intervention compared to static site deployment.

Static Site Generators: Static sites generated by tools like Jekyll, Hugo, and Gatsby can be hosted on a wide range of platforms, including content delivery networks (CDNs), cloud storage services, and static site hosting providers. These hosting options are often simpler and more cost-effective than traditional web hosting, as they don’t require a full web server infrastructure.

Deploying updates to a static site is typically a matter of re-building the site and pushing the generated HTML files to the hosting platform. This can be automated using continuous integration (CI) tools, which can detect changes in the content repository, re-build the site, and deploy the new version. This results in a streamlined, hands-off deployment process compared to WordPress.

Some static site hosting providers like Netlify and Vercel even offer built-in CI/CD features, making the deployment workflow even more seamless. This can be especially beneficial for bloggers who want to focus more on content creation than infrastructure management.

Top 5 Static Site Generators as Alternatives to WordPress


1. Jekyll



Overview: Jekyll is one of the most well-known static site generators and is often credited with popularizing the SSG movement. It’s written in Ruby and integrated seamlessly with GitHub Pages, making it an excellent choice for developers already using GitHub for version control.


  • Simple and easy-to-use templating with Liquid
  • Extensive plugin ecosystem
  • Markdown support for content creation
  • Built-in support for blogging with category and tag functionality
  • Free hosting on GitHub Pages

2. Hugo

Overview: Hugo is renowned for its speed, being one of the fastest static site generators available. Written in Go, Hugo can generate thousands of pages in a matter of seconds, making it ideal for large projects and websites that require frequent updates.


  • Lightning-fast build times
  • Robust theming system
  • Support for multiple content types
  • Flexible taxonomies and custom content types
  • Multilingual support out of the box

3. Gatsby

Overview: Gatsby leverages React and GraphQL to create highly dynamic and interactive static websites. It’s particularly popular for its performance optimizations and ability to pull data from various sources, including CMSs, APIs, and databases.


  • React-based for dynamic components
  • Rich plugin ecosystem
  • Powerful data layer with GraphQL
  • Progressive Web App (PWA) capabilities
  • Image optimization for faster loading times

4. Next.js

Overview: Next.js is a powerful framework built on top of React, known for its server-side rendering (SSR) and static site generation capabilities. It offers a versatile environment where developers can build static, dynamic, or hybrid applications.


  • Hybrid static and server-side rendering
  • API routes for backend integration
  • Incremental static regeneration
  • Automatic code splitting for faster page loads
  • Built-in support for CSS and Sass

5. Eleventy (11ty)

Overview: Eleventy is a simple and flexible static site generator that aims to provide a zero-config experience. It’s highly customizable and supports a wide range of templating languages, making it a favorite among developers looking for flexibility without complexity.


  • Support for multiple templating engines (e.g., Liquid, Nunjucks, Markdown)
  • Zero-config setup
  • Fast build times
  • Simple data files for content management
  • Incremental builds for efficiency

Choosing the Right Approach – WordPress vs SSGs

Ultimately, the choice between WordPress and a static site generator for your blog will depend on your specific needs and requirements. Here are some key factors to consider:

Content Management and Workflow:

  • If you have a complex content model, need rich formatting options, and require an efficient editorial workflow, WordPress may be the better choice.
  • If you prefer a more technical, code-centric approach and don’t mind a more manual content management process, a static site generator could be a good fit.

Performance and Scalability:

  • If your blog has high traffic or needs to be extremely fast and responsive, a static site generator is likely the better option.
  • If you’re willing to invest in performance optimizations and can manage the infrastructure requirements, WordPress can still provide a fast and scalable solution.

Security and Maintenance:

  • If you want to minimize the ongoing maintenance burden and reduce the risk of security vulnerabilities, a static site generator is the lower-maintenance choice.
  • If you’re comfortable with the WordPress update and security management process, and have the resources to properly maintain your site, WordPress can still be a secure option.

Customization and Extensibility:

  • If you need access to a wide range of pre-built themes and plugins, or plan to build complex, custom functionality, WordPress is the more extensible platform.
  • If you have the technical skills to build custom features and are comfortable working with code, a static site generator can provide a high degree of flexibility and control.

Ultimately, there is no one-size-fits-all answer – the right choice will depend on your specific blog requirements, technical expertise, and development resources. Many successful bloggers have found ways to leverage both WordPress and static site generators, using the approach that best fits their needs at different stages of their blog’s growth and evolution.

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