Compare fonts for your website using Font Comparer
The fonts used on a website make a big difference in its design. Not only websites but fonts play an important role in determining the likability of almost all sorts of designs that involve text. Sometimes, you may be overwhelmed by the multitude of fonts and cannot decide which fonts to use on your website or what would be the best combination. Font Comparer is an online utility with which you can compare numerous fonts side by side and pick the one you like.
Font Comparer is a simple online tool that shows you font bundles side by side so that you can easily get a good overview of how they appear when used on a website. Actually, Font Comparer uses the fonts from Google fonts to compare. The fonts appear alphabetically by name as they are arranged on Google Fonts. There are lists with fonts from A to Z, from E to N and then from O to Z. At the bottom, you can click on these alphabetical ranges to get the font lists. Another option is to show the fonts from Typekit; but this option requires you to have an account on Typekit.
There are text boxes for entering text for H1 and paragraph. Enter any text in the boxes and they will be shown in a heading and paragraph form. Or if you can simply click the lorem ipsum button to have the font overview in dummy text. Next is the option for the color of the fonts and the background color. Pick a color from the color picker or enter the hex code for a color you like. There’s an option for “Text Shadow” at the top bar with which you can toggle text shadow on or off to your text.
You can see the name of each font at the top of the font sample. Click on the Get Font button and you’ll instantly get the HTML code to insert to your header and the CSS code to embed the font on your website.
Font Comparer can be a very handy tool to compare fonts side by side to get a good overview of how they would appear when used on your website.