Compare search results of Google with Bing

Even before its official release, the talks of Bing have been going around. It takes time to decide whether Bing can really be a substitute for Google. Bing has some really cool features and the search results are pretty much impressive than those of Live search. Well you can compare the results from Google and Bing yourself.

google-bing comparision

Google-Bing comparison is a tool that lets you compare the search results from Google and Bing. The page actually divides your screen into two parts one with a Google Search page and the other with a Bing search page. It is actually a three frame page with an extra top frame containing a search box. You can enter your keyword at the top of the page to search in both Google and Bing at a single time. Or you can also search individually. You can click on the search results and the resulting pages will open separately for each search engines. You should give it a try.

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