How to choose the right Web Hosting Service in 2013

So you are ready to start your own website. You already know that buying a domain is important, but that’s not where the preparation ends. You also need to choose the best web hosting service. If you don’t know how to choose the one that fits your needs, check out the guide below:

  1. Determine the kind of site you are aiming for. Before you pay for a web hosting service, you first have to make sure that it offers the things you need. Start by determining what type of website you want. Are you planning to make a blog site? Look for a web hosting service that offers easy WordPress installation to get you started.
  2. Setup your domain. Web hosting will be useless without a domain name. You can either get one along with enrolling in a web hosting service, or you could transfer your existing domain from one hosting service to another. Just make sure that the service you’re transferring it to offers support so that you will not be having a hard time getting the site back up.
  3. Trim out your choices. How much is your budget? Web hosting services have different rates. Choosing what hosting service to use would be easier if you eliminate the options that you cannot afford. You don’t need to go for the most expensive one just to be certain that your website is secure. There are plenty of trustworthy web hosting sites that have cheap plans. Here’s a tip: if you’re planning to start more than one website, it’s best to go for a higher plan because these usually come at a discounted price.
  4. Find the best web hosting service bundle. If you’re planning to have a long-term website, it’s best to get it under a 24-month bundle plan at a lower price per month rather than enrolling it in a monthly subscription for a higher price.
  5. Check out downtimes and customer support. You can’t afford to have a website that’s always down when you need it the most. Before subscribing to anything, you have to check out what other clients say about the customer support of the hosting service. Are they available to help all day and all night? Will they be helping you sort out problems while managing to be polite?

Choosing a web hosting service shouldn’t be that hard after following the guide provided above. Just remember that in choosing, it’s better to go with the ones that already have an established good reputation instead of taking chances with practically unknown hosting services.

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