Protect your company information

When you run a small business, you’re unlikely to have an IT department. If you’re lucky, you might have one employee who loves everything to do with IT and can be called on to sort out any problems for different people in the office. However, it’s more likely if it’s your own company and it’s small that you’ll be responsible for looking after the computers, internet access etc. yourself. Love it or hate it, it’s what the world of business relies on these days, and without your computers working well and good internet access, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to keep up.

So, what you need to do is make sure that your systems don’t let you down. An absolute essential is good anti-virus software for all computers and other devices that you use to connect to the internet. Going online exposes the information you have stored on these devices to possible infiltration by hackers’ viruses, Trojans and worms that are increasingly prevalent on the net. And if you only have Macs, don’t think you’re ok. With the increase in ownership and use of Apple products, hackers have diversified and there are now more viruses being written for Macs as well as Windows operated systems.

For a business, it’s not only your only sensitive information that could be under threat, it’s also the information you have stored about your clients.

Kaspersky antivirus software comes in a range of different products, but perhaps the best is the one license product Kaspersky One that covers a number of different machines – including Mac, pc, and smartphones.

Antivirus software is easy to download online and you can trial free versions of pay-for products before deciding if you want to subscribe. This allows you to really see how the product functions and decide if it works for you. When you download an antivirus programme, make sure you uninstall any existing one that you already had first.

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