What Is An Ideal Temperature For The Good Health Of A Server?

People who manage data centers or websites are aware of the importance of the health of their server. A server is expected to run 24 hours a day and 365 days a year, and server manufactures such as Dell and IBM try all they can to provide the best performance through their products. To gain the most out of the server in terms of performance you need to keep a tab on the ideal room temperature. Each circuit of an electrical component provides optimal performance in a specific range of temperature. A hardware professional is very much aware of these nuances. A fluctuating room temperature leads to bad news for the server. The server is unable to function properly, not to mention its adverse performance under such circumstances. When your data centers or website depends solely on the server performance, you can’t afford a heat outage because of inconsistent room temperature. Let us understand the factors that define desirable room conditions.

Understanding the temperature range that works best for all electronic equipment will give you a start on how to determine the optimal room condition. Another important aspect to consider is the room’s dimension as this factor will determine the maximum size of the air conditioning that it can support. A proper air circulating system will guarantee the correct level of moisture and temperature of the room. Do not forget to take into account other computer systems or network components that may be operating in the same room. You can do away with the last step if you have a dedicated small room just for the server (this again depends on the size of your workspace). This way you need not take into account the heat generated by other electronic equipment around.

We have talked a lot about the ideal temperature and factors that define its selection, but why has temperature become so important? When the room temperature increases, network issues become inevitable. Intermittent problems arise resulting in either a server crash or unwanted rebooting. When you face such a situation, data access becomes a big issue and the productivity of your work goes down. Most of your time and resource will go in diagnosing and fixing server issues rather than on concentrating on important deliverables. This is not at all desirable for the staff or their customers. To avert these disasters all you need is a proper air circulation. While setting up your server room, you need to do some groundwork. This work is about setting the correct room temperature.

The room temperate range is between 10 degrees Celsius (50 degrees Fahrenheit) and 28 degrees Celsius (82 degrees Fahrenheit). Anything beyond this range is undesirable. A quick way to keep a tab on these limits is to set up a sensor system that will send out alerts in case the temperature falls out of this range. The ideal temperature is 20-21 degrees Celsius (around 68-71 degrees Fahrenheit). But it may vary as discussed before depending on other factors. By now we understand the importance of a good server life. Hence, working on the ideal temperature must be an important checklist task before setting up a data center.

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