Designing a brochure

When it comes to brochure design, it’s worth investing in. Most people are heavily influenced by the materials they read. If done right, the combination of words, design, and images could prove to be a winning strategy for your product.

There are a few considerations to be aware of however, when producing the perfect brochure.


It’s definitely worth preparing before you submit a brief for a brochure design company. Whilst you are essentially editor-in-chief, you should maintain a clear focus way in advance of your brochure.

For example, are you wanting to be persuasive in your writing? Or just informal?

Clearly your brochure designers know how to develop attractive and compelling layouts, but they require your guidance as for the actual content of the brochure.

If you are not a confident writer, then perhaps you could even bring in an in-house one. Making sure that your headlines really sell what your are trying to say is the first step toward good brochure design.


Making your brochure flashy, yet inviting, is also incredibly important. Mercifully you have the experts to hand who have created many hundreds of designs and know how to lay things out in an appealing fashion.

Crucially, the eye will be drawn to your most pertinent image or logo; which is probably the product or vision that you want to sell to your customer most. From here, text can be aligned or wrapped to either side, or even splashed on top of an object.

Further graphical layers can be added to give your publication a sense of dimension or dynamism. Multi-language or multi-edition publications of your brochure are also easily created once you have the basic layout down.


Choose your most striking images that encapsulate and define your product or business best. The design team will be able to help suggest what tones, sizes or angles will be suitable for your publication.

Feel free to invest in stock images that can be bought online should you not have the necessary images to sell your product. This is not a disingenuous practice as long as you truly reflect what you are trying to convey.

brochure design

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