Display your Facebook Status on your WordPress Blog
With more than 3 billion global monthly searches, ‘Facebook’ has become the most searched keyword on Google. This social networking website has pioneered and revolutionized the domain of communication, sharing, and socializing. With roots originating from a university dorm, Facebook has grown in leaps and bounds over the past five years to become a billion-dollar public company.
With more 2 million people flocking to its website every month, it attracts almost 62% of the all active Internet users to its website. According to a study conducted by a group of research firms, Facebook attracts more than 165 million unique visitors every month and the average monthly time per visitor stood at about 6.33 hours.
The figures are certainly astonishing, and the interesting thing is that they are unlikely to fade away in the recent future. When it comes to portable device users, of all the unique visitors that Facebook receives, about 42% of them access it on portable devices such as smartphones and tablets. Nowadays, Facebook integration with smartphone and other mobile phone models is a mandatory feature.
Smartphone models without integrated Facebook feature, can have free Facebook apps using the app store of their featured operating system. Till date, there have been more than 4.2 million Facebook app downloads from Google Play, 1.2 million downloads from Apple’s App Store, and more than 210,000 Facebook app downloads from Blackberry App World. So these figures and stats provide concrete evidence to the fact that Facebook has been used in its entirety across all cross-platforms.
WordPress is another social media platform that has been a firm favorite of bloggers and web developers. With more than 22,000 unique visitors every month, WordPress has become one of the most utilized blogging platforms across the globe. Online traffic is the lifeblood of any blog or a website. So, if you own a blog, then driving traffic to your blog is essential. Though WordPress helps drive a lot of traffic internally within the WordPress community, but getting external traffic is important for search engine rankings. Integrating Facebook in your blog and displaying all your status updates and posts will do a world of good for driving free online traffic.
If you are hosting your blog on WordPress.com, follow these steps to display Facebook statuses on your blog:
1. First, login into your Facebook account and look for the Mini Feed section under the profile tab.
2, Click the Status Stories tab and scroll to the bottom to find the My Status, under the My Status tab you’ll find a link.
3. Login into your WordPress account, and navigate to the following path: WordPress Admin > Design > Widget > RSS Widget.
4. Add the RSS Widget to the side bar and paste the link copied from the My Status tab.
5. Once you’ve pasted the link, give the feed a title and select the number of items you would like to display on your side bar.
If you own and manage a self-hosted blog using WordPress, you can use the same method to display your Facebook status. In addition, you can also make use of plugins and widgets such as Facebook Feed Grabber and Facebook Activity Feed Widget for the purpose.