Earn money with Skype

skypeHave you ever used Skype for talking to your friends and family? As many of you know, it is one of the most popular VoIP softwares with over 300 million users worldwide and counting.

Skype lets you talk to your friends on your Skype friends list for free and also offers making calls on any mobiles or landlines for a very low charge. Skype’s offers an affiliate service which will allow you to earn money by promoting Skype.

After you sign up with Skype, you can participate in the Skype affiliate program. You must have a website for this. You will be given a code to place on your website and every time someone signs up for Skype services like Skypeln, Voicemail, Skypeout etc, you will get benefited with some credits. And its totally free.

Skype promises to pay commission upto 25% for customers referred via your site. The Skype’s blog says that every time a referral from your site buys 10 €  of skype credits, you can get more than 2 € from that. Skype offers a 90-day referral period which means that commission is paid on all purchases for 90 days. Skype also gives a 15$ commission on the Skype Wi-Fi phone package.

Skype affiliate partners are Commision junction, Trade doubler, A8 and ValueCommerce. Commision junction and Trade doubler will let you advertise via banners and text links in multiple languages and countries. ValueCommece and A8 services are for Japanese users and available only in Japan. You can easily see how much you are earning from Skype through its detailed and easily accessible online reporting systems.

So get started with Skype Affiliate Program, begin making some money with Skype.

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