Easiest way to uninstall programs
Uninstalling programs can be a terrible hassle these days, especially when the program itself fails to open or becomes horribly bugged to the point where it’s built in uninstaller fails. This happens most commonly with Norton, MacAfee, Kaspersky, several Windows installed programs, and a variety of other applications that doesn’t seems to have a proper built in installation feature. Many programs don’t want to have a proper uninstall feature because of revenue they generate through advertising, or the hope that you will purchase their upgraded enhanced version of their product with the intent of replacing their failed piece of software.I’ve known of folk who have had such a bad failure of software that it has left them with no choice other than to redo their entire operating system. This is a normal route to go if the computer in itself hasn’t ever had a proper cleaning, but for computers which haven’t been cleaned properly over time it can become difficult to remove certain programs or applications due to problems that have compounded itself into one giant mess! Headaches will mount when you attempt to search for the files on your own to remove the buggy program by searching all your folders looking for traces of it, but unfortunately it is not that easy.
Whenever you install anything onto your PC it installs in 2 specific locations. The first being the one that are the most familiar and adept to make changes to is your Program Files folder, and the second being many minor changes to the registry. These changes to the registry are the most critical to your asset, because a corrupt registry could bring your entire system to a crawl as windows fails to string together inputs by you the user.
Now this is where I have the answer for uninstalling faulty or problematic programs, and it’s not the cure all be all, but it is effective. The program that I whole heartedly recommend is revo uninstaller. This program performs wonders and you are in luck, because I’m going to walk you through its use step-by-step. First thing is first, go online and google search “Revo Uninstaller” Free download. You could download from CNET or the website of Revo itself for the most secure of downloads. When you are done downloading the program, go ahead and open it. As the program loads you will notice that all the programs you have installed on your computer have begun to load itself on your screen. When all the programs finish presenting themselves you will be able to click on the offenders that you would like expunged from your computer.
Once highlighting a program for extermination you will move your mouse towards the top, and select the uninstall option. When doing so you are going to be shown a new window with several different methods of uninstalling. Go ahead and selection the option “advanced” and once you do select “next.” And you will notice that the program will start its own uninstalling utility, and if it allows you to you should proceed to uninstall the program. Should the uninstall fail you should have no worries because that is where revo shines! Once you are done with this first process, you should have revo left open. Click next, and then Revo is going to start plucking all the program related files from the system and then you will have to select then delete them. And then proceed to do the same thing with the next list of installed registry code.