Easy solution to Error Verifying Password in Thunderbird for Gmail Imap

Thunderbird is one of the widely used email clients and is next only to Outlook in popularity. Most of the popular email services run smoothly in Thunderbird. But many a times, we come across errors and issues in software we use and Thunderbird isn’t any different. Well, have you come across times when  you wake up one fine morning to check your Gmail on Thunderbird and the latter throws you an error saying that your username or password is incorrect? You then verify your password and its correct; only that Thunderbird is refusing to verify it.

If Thunderbird is throwing an error message saying that your username or password is incorrect for “imap.googlemail.com” for your Gmail account on IMAP setting, here’s an easy solution. Simply reset your router or your wifi connection and click on the Get mail button. Your mails will probably start working now. This can in a way be a problem concerning your ISP. Some ISPs give you a different IP address every time you connect to the internet. So, simply resetting the router might do the trick in such cases.

If you constantly rely on wifi connections in public zones, you might come across such problems. If Thunderbird gives a message saying that your credentials aren’t correct, try connecting from a different wifi zone and your Thunderbird might start working again. Thus, if Thunderbird gives errors connecting to Gmail on IMAP setting, simply reset your internet connection and it should start working again.

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