How to know if an email was sent just to you or a mailing list

Besides emails from your friends and co-workers, you also receive emails and newsletters from websites that you have subscribed to. Or sometimes, you receive emails that are sent collectively to a group of people. You can know if an email was sent to you only or a bunch of other people by looking at the source of the email. Wouldn’t it be great if you could quickly know if an email was sent to a group or was sent exclusively to you? Well with Gmail you can have that feature.

If you use Gmail, you can quickly see if an email was sent to a mailing list, a group or to you only. Go to your Gmail settings by clicking on the mail settings link at the top right in your Gmail account. Scroll down to the option for Personal Level Indicators. You can choose either not to show any indicators or turn the option on to show indicators for the messages in your Inbox. Select the Radio button by Show Indicators. Finally click on the Save button.

After you turn the Show Indicators option on in Gmail, the emails in your inbox will have either a single arrow, a double arrow or no arrow at all. If an email has a single arrow(  ), it means that the email was sent to you and a group of other people. If an email has a double arrow ( » ), it means that the email was sent to you only. And if an email has neither a single or a double arrow, it means that the email was sent to a mailing list.

This nifty show indicators option in Gmail can help you quickly know if an email was sent to you exclusively, a group or a mailing list.

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