Facebook’s URL shortener fb.me has started working again
Many of you must have known of Facebook’s URL shortener http://fb.me launhed in December last year. You could open up a Facebook profile by simply visiting the URL http://fb.me/username. But after a few months the service went ashtray and started showing error pages. But now, Facebook filled the holes and now the Facebook’s URL shortener fb.me is working.
However just fb.me used to open up the facebook homepage even during its breakdown for profile pages. But now, Facebook has fixed it . If you wish to open Mashable’s facebook, just go to http://fb.me/mashable. Only some days ago, opening this URL used to throw an error page. But even now, for the long URLs of certain facebook pages with usernames yet to be set up, the fb.me trick doesn’t work.
Fb.me can also be used to shorten any URL just like bit.ly or is.gd does. But it isn’t easy. You’ll have to do it via Facebook’s Twitter application. If you link up any of your Facebook pages with your twitter account, your update on the page will be automatically posted to Twitter and the URL if shared is shortened via fb.me.