Five ways to automatically post updates to Facebook from your site’s feed
Facebook is a great place to drive social traffic to your blog. Generally every company and website has a Facebook fan page. After publishing a post, bloggers usually grab its URL and head over to Facebook page to share it to the fans. But this can be cumbersome if a blog gets updated frequently. Or sometimes after writing a post, one might forget to share it in hurriedness. So, the best way is to automate the task of sharing any post to Facebook as soon as it gets published. Applications like Twitterfeed, Networked Blogs, RSS Graffiti, Objective Marketer etc. will help you do it by updating your Facebook pages from your site’s RSS feeds.
Twitterfeed: Twitterfeed is one of the most popular Twitter based applications. Many websites use it to automatically update tweets via feeds. It can also update a Facebook fan page from RSS feed. So, all you need to do is add your blog’s RSS feed to Twitterfeed and then authorize it from Facebook to post on the page. You don’t have to authenticate yourself as the owner of a site so basically you can automatically share from any RSS feed.
RSS Graffiti: RSS Graffiti is another tool used for the same purpose. Open the application page on Facebook and select the page you want to add updates to. Then you should permit it to post on the page. Now add your blogs RSS feed to it and save. You can also choose a post style which are Standard, Compact and Status Updates. You can also use RSS Graffiti to publish your Tweets to Facebook.
Networked Blogs: This Facebook application is used by giants like Techcrunch. To use it, install the Networked Blogs application to your Facebook fan page. Add Networked Blogs tab to the fan page. You can rename the Tab to anything you like, better rename it as your Blogs Title. To use Networked Blogs, you need to verify ownership of your site. You are given a HTML code which you need to add to your blog. You can remove itffee once your blog is verified.
Social RSS: Social RSS allows you to post upto 5 feeds automatically to Facebook pages. But the premium users can add unlimited feeds. You can only show title with no description or show the full description in the updates. You can also add your timezone, include share buttons etc. The premium users also have an option for auto-liking an update.
Simply RSS: Simply is a very easy to use application for automatically posting updates from your blog to Facebook. Enter the Title of the feed and then the number of items to show. In the Feed Display options, you can select “Show titles”, “Show titles and content” and “Show title, when clicked show content”. You can also set the date and time display options. You can also modify header title and descriptions from the preferences tab.
These Social applications can also post updates directly to your profile, besides fan pages.