A Look Back At the Best Gadgets Of 2011

2011 is gone; yet there is much to be remembered about this year in the gadget world. Here is a look at the some of the best-selling gadgets of the year.

The iPhone 4S

This upgrade to Apple’s 4G iPhone features faster internet and processing times. But the big item here is the ability of this phone to use the human voice to control many of its functions. I don’t know how this will look in public, and if you can’t be heard at the drive-through, maybe this is not the phone for you. But, Apple has sold over 4 million of the 4S during its first weekend, and one of Apple’s founders was standing in line waiting for a model at the Apple Los Gatos store.

Nitendo 3DS

Not a fan to the two sided DS, this family has hesitated to buy one. Yes, I know you usually see younger kids with these, but as an adult I enjoyed the older DS models must as much as any kid. Plus, I could brush up on my games skills so as not to embarrass my kids. However, the 3DS offers great 3D effects while playing games, and the Mario 3D game for this gadget has made game of the year in some gaming circles. The Nitendo 3DS seems to be a fantastic gadget.

Nest Environmental Control

This is a new heating and cooler regulator designed by a former Apple engineer. Modern in appearance, it does all the work for you. The Nest is capable of learning the needs of your household and regulating the temperature accordingly. With its cool blue readout, it is an asset to any room. The Nest will also save you on your heating and cooling bill, which will more than pay for the device.

REEVU’s Rear Viewing Motorcycle Helmet

While not completely eliminating the need to look before turning lanes, this helmet offers the motorcycle rider the opportunity to see behind him without having to turn his head. Often difficult to do while driving, this helmet keeps you up with what is going on behind you on the road. Users will find that their neck thanks them. Their driving will most likely be safer; a big benefit for a cycle rider.

Biolite’s First Air Rocket Stove

This stove uses air and a small electric battery to power is fire. This stove uses 50 percent less wood and uses 95 percent less emissions. It makes enough heat for a liter of water to boil in four minutes, and it will heat up your tent before you go to sleep. The stove burns anything you would find on the trail; this includes wood, leaves, and paper.

Humanscale Air Cleaner

This device is a great improvement over past devices. Energy poor, it uses 200 percent less power than recommended by Energy Savers. The air cleaner runs very quietly due to its low power usage. However, it is an expert at removing those small particles in the air that cause allergies, infection and smog. This is a great gift for those with asthma.

Zeal Optics

This is the first pair of goggles that tells you about your day. The goggles contain a GPS readout, and will tell you all about your journey with a continuous readout. The goggles can reveal your speed, pace, altitude, distance, vertical location, time and temperature. The goggles have a processing chip that stores the information so you can download it later.

From the about list, you can see there were a wide variety of gadgets released in 2011. The new year, 2012, looks to be just as good.

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