Google Authorship and its ties with Google+
Google recently announced Google Authorship, Google’s initiative towards identifying the original author of an article. For identifying the author of an article, Google will be seeing a connection between the article page, the author profile page and the author’s Google Profile. The content page can be any article on a website and the author page is a webpage within the same domain that contains information on the author of an article.
Google will mainly look for two things in identifying the author of an article. Google will look for a link from a content page to the author’s profile page or a to the author’s Google profile. Besides that, Google will also look for links from the author’s Google profile back to the articles he has written. Google will look for these reciprocal links while attributing the author for an article. Without the reciprocal links, anyone can attribute articles that may or may not be written by them.
Google will also make use of +1 in identifying the author for an article. You first need to +1 any webpage on your website and Google will automatically list the content it identifies as yours on the +1 tab on your Google Profile. On your Google profile, you will need to edit the settings to add the +1 tab to your Google profile. The +1 tab will thus have all your authored content as well as all the webpages that you have +1’d.
For detailed information: Google webmasters help on Authorship.