Handy apps for organizing your household

When you’re a busy person with a lot of demands on your time and members of your household, keeping up with home management can be a challenge. Cleaning, organizing and tracking finances can quickly fall off your radar, when you’ve got more tasks to accomplish than hours in the day.

Managing a household does not force anyone into the mode of 1950s housewife. It just means that someone needs to make sure day-to-day tasks are accomplished. And with plenty of modern devices related to home management, staying on-task is easier than ever. Check out some of the latest household apps that assist in home management.

Checklist Wrangler

Are you a list-maker? They do have their purpose, but you may find it hard to keep track of all your little lists written on scraps of paper. Now, you can keep track of all those handy checklists with the help of the Checklist Wrangler app. You can add checklists for everything from daily supplies to travel gear and even that emergency kit you never use. It you’re really gung-ho, you could make a checklist of all your existing checklists.

Wunderbear’s HomeRoutines app takes what seems like an impossible prospect (house organizing and cleaning) and breaks it down into manageable chunks. With the app, you can split your home into focus zones, hitting different rooms each day.
Digital Locker

You want to keep track of your belongings, in case you should ever need to file a claim on your insurance. But a filing cabinet stuffed full of old receipts isn’t the most efficient way to manage that information. Let your smartphone do the work for you. With this free personal inventory app, you can store photos of all your belongings, categorized by room.
All Recipes Pro

Cooking food is hard enough when you’re on a tight schedule and tighter budget, but keeping those meals healthy, delicious and interesting is especially tough. All Recipes Pro is the perfect tool for finding new recipes and hanging on to your favorites. All the recipes come complete with reviews, so you can see how others liked the results before jumping in yourself.
Tendril Vantage Mobile

Excessive energy use is bad for the environment and your wallet. Curb your carbon footprint with Tendril Vantage Mobile, an app that tracks home energy usage in real time. This app makes it possible for you to control your thermostat from remote locations, making energy control an easy prospect.

The smartphone revolution has transformed home management from dreary to cool. With the right home management apps in your arsenal, you can keep chaos at bay and free up more time for your other priorities.

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