How to easily search songs on Windows phone 7
Windows Phone 7 is increasingly gaining traction. An analysis says that Windows phone 7 will take over the iOS ecosystem by 2015 and will be next to Android. Because of its unique, user friendly and interactive design, Windows Phone has become a favourite of many users. But still, there are lots of improvements to be made on the operating system. For example, if you want to look for a song in your zune library, you will have to manually browser by artist, album or song as there is no search functionality built in. If you are a windows phone user are looking for an easy way to search songs on your WP7 phone, here’s an easy way to do it.
The functionality for searching songs Windows Phone phone can be obtained using the Touch Develop app. Touch Develop is a Windows Phone 7 application that allows people to run scripts on their phone that can be used to do interesting things like sum numbers, scanning barcodes etc. You can create your own custom scripts or download them off the web. One such script is the advanced song search which is very popular and can be downloaded using Touch Develop itself. Super song search lets you search songs on Windows Phone quickly and easily.
First off, download Touch Develop from the Windows Phone Marketplace. After downloading, open up the app and using the search button, look for “advanced song search”. Install the script and run it. You will see two subscripts under it which are search albums and super song search. Tap the play button next to “Super song search”. Now you will see fields for entering the name of the song, artist, album, genre etc. Type your query and hit the go Button, Your search results will start populating and you can play any of those songs by hitting the play button next to them. You can also search by song duration and rating. But opening up touch develop and then the super song search script everytime can be a bit tedious. So, simply pin the super song search script to your start screen and the next time you want to search a song on your Windows Phone, simply tap it, enter your keywords and instantly find the song you are looking for.
If you are looking for an easy way to search songs on Windows Phone, use the super song search script with the Touch Develop Windows Phone app.