How to have a contacts file with email addresses of your Facebook friends only

Recently, Facebook added a feature that lets you download all your profile information including your photos and updates as well. But Facebook failed to give users the option for extracting the email addresses of their friends on Facebook. But this can be done by using the contact importing features of Yahoo or Hotmail. You can fully import your Facebook contacts to Yahoo, Hotmail or GMX mail. But the thing is that, all the contacts from Facebook get mixed up with other contacts already present in your email accounts. But don’t worry; you can filter out just your Facebook contacts from others with a little workaround.

Using Yahoo mail, you can easily import the email addresses of your Facebook friends. To do this, login to your Yahoo mail account and click on “Contacts” on the left hand pane. This will open up a New “Contacts” tab. You’ll see an “Import Now” option under the “Popular Tools”. Click on it and you’ll see options for importing contacts from Facebook, Hotmail, Gmail or some other email service. Click on the Facebook icon and follow the steps to import your contacts. After a few seconds, the email addresses of all your friends on Facebook will be found in your Yahoo contacts.

Now if you export the contacts, all previous contacts on Yahoo along with your Facebook contacts will be exported. So, you won’t be able to filter out the email addresses of your Facebook friends exclusively. So first, lets put all your Facebook contacts in a category first. Click on “Contacts” again and the “Contacts” tab will be refreshed. From the “View Contacts” menu, choose “Last Import”. This will list the Name and email addresses of all your friends on Facebook. Put a tickmark on the “Sorted: Last Name” to select all the contacts. Next, click on “Add to Category” button and add them to a New Category (you can create it from there). If you don’t have other categories, you can give your category any name; but if you already have categories for your contacts, give your category a name like “aaa_Facebook” or “aaaa” only because we’ll be sorting them alphabetically in the next step. When you’re done, export the contacts from the Tools menu. While exporting, choose Microsoft Outlook Express Format.

Yahoo Import Facebook email AddressesNow, open the CSV file downloaded in the above step in Microsoft Excel. Now, Press Ctrl+A to select everything in the file. Next go to Data>Sort. Under the “Sort By” menu, choose Categories and select Ascending as the sorting type. Finally click on OK and all your Facebook contacts will be listed before your other contacts.
Excel sort email address by categories
Now click on the row number upto which the category “aaa_facebook” is extended and holding the Shift key click on the first row number. This will select all the rows that contain the information of your Facebook contacts. Copy this data (Ctrl+C) and paste it into a new excel file. Finally save the new file in CSV format. Thus you’ll have only your facebook contactsm all in one place without getting them mixed up with the other contacts.
Excel select rows containing email addresses
You can also do this by creating a new Yahoo ID and importing your Facebook contacts and then exporting it as a fresh Yahoo account cannot contain email addresses previously.

GMX mail is also a good solution for having a segregated list of your Facebook contacts. The best thing about GMX mail is that you can open up an email account using your Facebook profile. Create an account on GMX using the Facebook connect. Choose an email address. You’ll be greeted with a Welcome Message where you’ll find an option to import your contacts. If you miss this, click on “Import” under “Contacts” from theleft hand menu. From the Add Contact box, choose Facebook and follow the steps and your facebook contacts will be imported within seconds. From the Import/Export  option, choose “Export Contacts”; choose Outlook Express file format and finally download the CSV file. Thus you’ll have a pristine file containing your Facebook contacts only.
GMX mail import contacts
Thus, using Yahoo mail or GMX mail, you can easily get a CSV file of exclusively containing the email addresses of your Facebook friends. This file can be imported to you Gmail very easily.

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