How to keep your kids safe on online gaming websites
Kids love online games and undoubtedly, they are prone to the perils of online gaming. Therefore, it becomes the duty of the parents to safeguard their kids from any kind of unpleasant situation that may arise as a result of online gaming. Here are some safety tips for online gaming that parents of game addicted kids should follow:
- Firstly, give your kids some basic safety tips that they should follow while surfing the internet. You should warn your kids about the harmful things that they might come across while using the internet and what they should do in such situations. All the useful things aside, internet is also home to cyberbullies; therefore warn your kids against them and ask them to come talk to you without hesitation if they come across anything as such.
- Participate yourself! Take a role in the game and play with your kids. Even if you aren’t into gaming at all, you should at least try to play, just to ensure their safety. If you are a gamer yourself, its obvious that your kid would be no competition to you. But believe me, participating with your kids is one of the best ways to help them learn what to do and what not to while playing online. You can also teach them how to deal with other gamers online and enjoy the game while staying safe.
- Cyberbullies are ubiquitous. So, if you are new to online games, you might first need to learn yourself how to deal with such people online. Once you get to grips with how to deal with such people, you can accordingly teach your child what you’ve learned. There are plenty of online gaming sites like, World of Warcraft etc. and you should warn your kids no matter what site they are playing on.
- Forbid your kids against meeting with someone in person whom they have recently known online. If anyone ever proposes a meet, ask them to come tell you first. Also, the best practice is not to let out your personal information while chatting with online gamers. Tell your kids not to share information such as address or telephone number to someone they meet through online gaming.
- Ask your kids to use decent language while communicating with other gamers. Also make sure your kids follow the rules prescribed by the online gaming site that he is playing on.
- Make sure that your child doesn’t use his real name as a screen name for any game. Check out for it and make sure that your child doesn’t pick a screen name that reveals any personal information such as name or telephone number. Also, see if the username complies with the website’s policies.
- Special care should be taken while using voice chat. The same thing again, ask your kid NOT to reveal any personal information while talking to a stranger via voice chat.
- You should put a check on the time that your child spends on online gaming websites. It’s a known fact that online games are very addictive and kids tend to spend hours on end playing their favorite game. Therefore, you should put a limit on how much time your kid spends playing online games. You should also forbid your kids from downloading any game online without your approval.
- Allow your kids only to play the games that are appropriate for their age. Allow your kids only to play popular games from trusted and reputed sites. They could be easily misleaded into scam sites so special care should be taken.
These tips would help your kids stay safe from the dangers of online gaming.