How to send tweets from Gmail
There are various methods for sending tweets to Twitter. Well you send out your tweets through the medium you think is the easiest. Some tweet from the Twitter website, some from other 3rd party sites like twitpic, twitzap, friendfeed etc. while some from desktop applications like twhirl, tweetdeck, seesmic desktop etc. But you can send tweets from instant messenger like GoogleTalk as well. You can use GoogleTalk to send your tweets or send it directly via the chat feature in Gmail.
You can use this feature by signing up with HelloTxt. Sign in to your HelloTxt Account. Now go to the settings page. There you’ll find a lot of social networks to add to your account. Add Twitter by giving your username and password. Now return to the homepage and you’ll see a label “Instant Messenger” with an icon of Google Talk on the right hand side. Click on it. Now you’ll be given an email id to add to your buddy list in Google talk. To send tweets via GoogeTalk, you’ll need to add that bot to your messenger which is Next step is to verify your email address. On that page, you’ll be given a verification code, just copy and paste it in your message box in Google Talk or the chat box of Gmail and send it. You’ll see a verification success message. Now you’re ready to send tweets from GoogleTalk or Gmail. From Google Talk or Gmail’s chat, just send anything to like “Hey I am sending this tweet via Gtalk” and it’ll be posted as a tweet instantly.
You can also send tweets from Gmail using allows you to tweet from your GoogleTalk account or your Jabber account. In the homepage, you’ll find some fields to enter your twitter username and password and your gmail or jabber id. After you enter it, you’ll get a friend request in Google Talk. It will be Just accept it and you’ll be able to send tweets via GoogleTalk or Gmail the very next moment by just sending a message to this bot. This is better than the HelloTxt bot as it not only lets you send tweets but also shows you twitter updates from your friends, @ replies and direct messages. So, you can use this as a twitter client too. If you want to send tweets from Gmail, you can make it easier by clicking on the pop-out link in the chat window inside Gmail’s chat box and enjoy the tweet updates in a separate window. The tweets from your friends are updates in real-time. Isn’t it very much like twitter?
So, try sending tweets via Gmail chat or Google Talk.